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I was dressed and did my makeup in no time. I was in the limo again, going back to the tall building.

I entered the room and threw my arms up. "I'm baaack!" I smiled widely. Watari walked in after me with my bag of clothes and shit I packed. "Ah, H. Lovely." L said in a bored tone.

"So you really are H." A cop person said. "In the flesh. Ooh cupcakes!" I smiled and skipped over and ate another cupcake.

"Ryuzaki, what is it with you putting criminals on this team?" One asked. "I need some of their skills. Bugging, hacking, theft being a few." L shrugged. "H specifically for stealing and breaking into a few places." He said and I looked up from my third cupcake.

"Okay, happy to help and everything, but what's in it for me? If you're good at something, never do it for free. That's what my idol says." I said, plopping on the couch next to him.

"You get immunity." L stared at me, his thumb pressed against his lower lip. "For how long?" I questioned. "As long as the team is in order. Once we've caught Kira, then you and the cops can go back to chasing each other to your heart's content." He said.

"Well, for a very smart man, that isn't a very smart plan." I snickered, giggling uncontrollably. "How?" The cop asked. "Well, as a criminal, if I have immunity until Kira is caught, then it only makes sense to do everything in my power to make sure Kira isn't caught. That way, I basically have unlimited immunity. So, your plan is faulty, sir, I'm going to need a bit more to work for you. I'm sure I speak for the other criminals in the room. Where are they? Who are they? I don't know anyone." I looked around.

L pointed two others out. "That's Aiber. He's a conman. And that's Wedy, a cat-burglar." He said and I nodded.

"Okay see? I assume you've given them immunity too, but now that I've pointed out the flaw, you're probably going to give us more. Especially the conman." I said.

"I was actually waiting for one of you to bring it up. I did that purposefully. You're a smart one, H." He said and I grinned. "I like to think so."

"I can offer cash rewards." He said and I looked to the other two. "Fair?" I asked, tucking my knees to my chest and lying my head on it, looking at them. "I hate you, H." Wedy said and I pouted.

"What did I do this time?" I asked. "Last year I was trying to steal diamonds dating back to the Han dynasty, and you knocked me out and took them. I didn't wake till morning, and I was in a jail cell. I remained in prison until two months ago." He glared at me.

"Oh. Sorry." I bit my lip. "I kinda needed the money, and I guess I thought you were a security guard or something." I smirked a little. "Well, normally in this kind of situation, I would be a Good Samaritan and say at the end of this whole thing, I would give you the diamonds... But I don't have them. I sold them for fifty grand and the money is already also gone." I shrugged.

He huffed and looked away from me. "Fifty grand for the three of you. Sounds fair?" L sighed. "Yeah." "Sure." The two agreed and I nodded. "I actually didn't need it. I'm just a greedy little girl." I smiled widely at L.

"Okay, H, since you're new to this, I'll show you your room. You'll be staying here over weekends and coming over every afternoon. I'll warn you now that there are cameras in your room and taps so we can see and hear everything you're doing. Please refrain from questionable activities." He said and I frowned.

"I can't watch porn?" And that made everyone in the room stare at me. "It's a question for Pete's sake!" I huffed. "Well, I guess you could, the cameras do block out nudity." He said and I nodded. "But by questionable I did mean illegal. And please have a sense of privacy." He sighed.

"I have no sense of privacy." I pursed my lips. "I literally couldn't care less if I walked out naked on a busy street. Well... I guess that would be embarrassment. I don't have that either." I hummed, thinking.

"Let's just go..." He sighed, seeming tired of me already. "Wait! Do I have to go to school?" "Yes." "Aw! But why?! I have a legitimate reason to not be there! I could study here or at my house when I'm not helping you lot!" I whined.

"Light is still going to school." "Where's Light?" I asked. He raised his hand and I glared at him. "Why didn't you take the opportunity?!?!" I huffed. "I'm trying to get into university." He shrugged. "Well I'm not! See! He can go to school and get in some top university or something. While I, on the other hand, don't care about my education and academics and there is about a snowflakes chance in hell I'll get into university or college, so why should I still have to go to school?"

L stared at me. "You put up a good argument, I'll give you that. But this isn't negotiable. You're still going to school." He said and pushed me down a hallway. "Meanie!" I stuck my tongue out at L.

"This is your room." He said, opening a door. "I'll repeat. You'll stay here on weekends and afternoons to help catch Kira. Cameras and wire taps are in here." He said, dead eyes boring into my green ones.

"Even in the bathroom? That is illegal, you know." I said. "Like you would care. You're a high ranking criminal. And no, there are no cameras or taps in the bathroom." He said. "Good." I sighed.

"But are you sure I still have to go to school?" I asked when he retreated down the hallway.

"Yes." He called back.

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