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When I woke up, L wasn't beside me. Not that I cared. I got up and got ready for the day and went to school with Light.

L'S P.O.V.

H and Light came home and I came over to them in a rolling chair. "Hello. How were the exams?" I asked them, but mostly H. "Fine." Light answered.

H just walked away, down the hall, into her room, slamming the door shut.

"She's been like that all afternoon." Light said. I went over and knocked on her door. "What?" She asked. "It's me. Are you okay?" I asked her. "No. Go away." She said. "Now why would I go away if I know you aren't okay?" I asked. She fell silent.

"What do you want, L?" She asked. "To make sure you're okay." I hummed. "And since you aren't, I want to make you okay." I said and heard her chuckle behind the door. There were sounds, and then the door opened. "Come in if you want you stubborn little...." She didn't finish that sentence.

I stepped in and took my place on her bed as she lied down, looking up at me. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked. "I'm fucking stupid, that's what's wrong." She sighed, holding a pillow close to her, like the way she slept. "You're not stupid." I said and she glared at me. "I am though. Out of the four exams they made me take today, I'm pretty sure I failed at least two of them." She said, burying her face in a pillow.

"And the stupidest thing is, is that I shouldn't even care. I mean, I'm fucking H. I can't go to college or university, I'm most likely not going to get a job, my life is just a disaster waiting to happen." She said, now avoiding eye contact.

"We could try and turn that around." I offered. She just laughed. "Not gonna happen, L. There are just some people who are never going to get certain things done. Like... The Joker can never get a decent job. Why? Cos everyone knows he's the fucking Joker. Same with me. When I'm done with school, I'm most likely just going to be full time H, get rid of Reiko." She sighed.

"What does H even stand for?" I asked. "You don't even have an H in your name, Reiko Fujioka." I said. "Tell me what L stands for, and I'll tell you what H stands for." She said. "You're running a hard bargain." "An eye for an eye, my friend." She smiled.

"I don't tell anyone a thing about myself unless they tell me something of equal importance about themselves. In this case, H and L." She said and I felt something inside me stir when she said our names like that.

Then something clicked. "It's your name, isn't it? Reiko Fujioka isn't your real name." I said and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Deduce all you want, I'm not telling you anything until you tell me something." "But I just-" "and I'm not telling you if you're right or wrong. This is how the criminal world works, L. Everything is based on equality, just... Not the people." She said.

I paused for a minute, running this over in my head. At least she ran a fair, yet hard, bargain. "I was born in England. L is an initial of mine." I said slowly and softly. "I was born in England as well. H is an initial of mine." She smirked at me. "You see how this works now?" She asked and I nodded.

"Good. Any information you share with me about yourself, I'll share more about me to you." She smiled. "Is this how you made the most wanted list?" I asked. "You bet your ass it is." She laughed.

"I see that you're okay now?" I asked and H nodded. "I'm okay now. Thanks, L." She smiled and I nodded and stepped out.

I took a minute to go back to my rolling chair and continue watching the monitors. Misa was here and refusing to leave Light alone, and I found it hard to figure anything else out about Kira. Three words just kept circling my head.

H and L. H and L. H and L.

They sounded perfect together.

My eyes soon found her monitor, and I saw her staring out an open window. "What...?" I started to ask.

She then turned towards the camera, her H suit on, and blew a kiss before doing a flip as she jumped out, laughing all the way down.

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