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After we got our ice cream, Light paid, and we went back to following the guy. "You like sweets a lot, don't you?" Light asked. "I have a sugar addiction." I hummed. "Funny story, actually." "I wanna hear."

"Okay, when I was a little girl, like toddler to elementary school little, I had a bad habit of biting my fingers. Not my fingernails, my actual finger. Like to the point where they were bleeding and my hands were covered in bandages. So one person suggested that I keep hard candies with me and I only eat one when I wanted to bite my fingers. It worked, and I still keep candy of all sorts with me, and basically it just grew into a sugar addiction." I shrugged.

"But at least I don't bite myself anymore." I showed him my hands with no teeth marks on my skin. "Yeah, that's good." He nodded with a laugh.

"That's disgusting." L said in my ear. "Ugh. Shut up." I groaned. "Just saying. Get back to your date." He hummed. "Not a date." Light chuckled. "Not a real one." I said.

"Let's just keep walking..." Light said. "REIKO!" A voice squealed out and both of us turned to see Kimi running over. "Should we run?" Light asked. "As much as I want to, she's still my best friend." I groaned.

Kimi finally came over and toppled me in a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in days! Right! Cos I haven't seen you in days! Where have you been?!" She yelled in my ear. "Ouch." L said. "Kimi, volume, please." I winced, holding my ear. "Sorry." She giggled.

"O. M. G. Are you on a DATE?!" She squealed again. "Kimi, please!" I tried to quiet her. "Omg I'm so sorry! I'll let you get back to your date. But I expect details later you whore!" She said and turned and walked away quickly.

I just sighed and closed my eyes. "I'm going to kill someone. I'm going to kill someone. I'm going to kill someone." I chanted to myself. "Who're you going to kill?" Light asked. "No clue." "Why don't you kill her?" "I can't kill Kimi! She's my best friend! And she's pretty! That's like a serious rule, Light! You can't kill pretty people! You have to let them die naturally." I said and he laughed.

And he laughed hard. So hard I stopped laughing to stare at him. "Are you okay?" I asked with a grin. "Yeah, I'm fine." He straightened himself out and we kept walking.

"Oh hey look! Dude in all black with... Yep there's the tattoo." I sighed. "Follow him, and don't make it obvious." L said. "Obviously." I giggled. "You difficult child." L sighed and Light and I laughed.

We followed him for a while while talking and laughing. Light left for a little bit to use the bathroom, and suddenly a voice that wasn't L was in my ear.

"Tell me everything." Kimi said. "Kimi! What the actual fuck?! No! Go leave now please!" I said, holding my heart from the near heart attack I almost had.

"Please please please please please Reiko! Please tell your best friend who you love very much everything about your date?!" She whined. "No! You should already know about it! You've been following us!" I said, pushing her away from hugging me. "Kimi, I love you to the bottom of my heart and back, and you know it, but please. Just go." I said and she pouted and nodded.

"Okay, fine. But before I go! What about the other cute dude you met?" She asked. "Who?" I asked. "Y'know the pale one with black hair and bags. Hunchback of Notre Dame's better looking brother." She said and I nodded. L.

"Oh yeah. Him. What about him?" I asked. "Are you seeing him? But you're out on a date with Light! Omg you slut!" She squealed, laughed, and hit my arm. "Okay, one, no I'm not seeing him. Two, not on a date with Light. Just an outing. Three, bye, Kimi." I said as Light was coming back over. "Have you kissed cute dude yet?" "Bye, Kimi!" "Are you friends with benefits?!" "GOODBYE KIMI." I said, glaring at her and she finally walked away.

"That can be arranged." I heard L say and I grit my teeth and Light laughed. "I'm going to fucking kill him." I growled. "Aw, no reason to be shy about it, Reiko." Light patted my shoulder and I shrugged his hand off of me. "No reason to be so serious either." L pointed out. "Fuck off." I growled. "Such language." Light smirked.

"Oh screw you both. I'm going back. You can keep tailgating." I said and turned around, walking back to headquarters.

"Are you mad?" L asked through my earpiece. "Yes. Would be an understatement." I huffed. "You really shouldn't've left Light alone." "I really don't give a shit. He's a big boy, he can take care of himself." I said.

I got to the building and threw the piece at L and went to my room to crash.

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