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I went to school again for an exam and walked out with Kimi. "Have you seen the cute dude again?" She asked. "Kimi!" I groaned. "Have you kissed him? Is he a good kisser?" She asked, getting in my personal space.

"Yeah, is he a good kisser?" A bored voice said and I turned and my cheeks flared up when I saw L there.

"I wouldn't know." I said through gritted teeth. "Aw! C'mon, Reiko! Give me some details!" Kimi pouted. "I will personally kill the both of you. And Light. I will not wait for Kira to get you three." I said, growling.

"I heard my name." Light said, coming up. "Oh, Reiko here was just talking about how she's not waiting for Kira to get the three of us. She'll kill us herself." L said and Light laughed. I glared at him and he cut it out.

"Well, Kimi, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to have to steal Reiko from you now. Come along. You too, Light." L said, pulling us along. "I'll text you later!" Kimi said and I just nodded.

"Ryuzaki, where are your shoes?" Light asked. "Don't know." L shrugged. "They might be in your room, Reiko." He said and Light gave me a look. "What? He visits my room a lot." I shrugged.

"Well... I'm not walking past your room at night..." Light coughed. "Dude! It's not like that!" I smacked his arm. "Or is it?" L smirked a little. "Why do you two always make it like your personal job to piss me off?" I sighed. "Because you have the best reactions." Light smiled. "Yeah that." L nodded.

We went to a bakery and café where we all got coffee or tea and some sort of pastry. We sat at a booth in the corner where no others were.

"Do we really get on your nerves that much?" Light asked, amused. "Well, yes and no." I shrugged. "Depends on how you pissed me off." I hummed. "And we're your friends, so we're supposed to make you mad." L pointed out.

"Do you consider us your friends, Ryuzaki?" Light asked. "Yes." L gave the very short answer. "Aw, I feel honoured." I smiled and cooed. L just rolled his eyes at me.

"Why? Because I'm L?" He asked. "Yes, and no. Also cos I'm honoured anytime someone considers me a friend. It's nice to know someone likes me, or can tolerate me, enough to consider me a friend." I shrugged and sipped my tea.

"You've never had many friends, have you?" L asked and I shook my head. "I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again. I like being alone most of the time, but it's also nice to have a few friends. But no. I've never had many friends. I was the weird girl in school. No one likes the weird girl. Except from Kimi. God I hate Kimi." I huffed.

"I don't see why you hate her. She's your best friend." Light said. "Well, I hate everyone on a level. Even my best friend. And I hate Kimi cos she's so pretty. Why is it always the best friend who looks like the beauty goddess?" I sighed.

"I mean honestly. Her skin is like the most perfect shade of brown and it's so smooth and soft. She doesn't have acne and I don't even think she has pores, honestly. Her eyes are like the most beautiful chocolate brown ever, and she does her makeup so well, not that she needs it. Her hair is so soft and flawless and I hate her so much she's so pretty." I sighed.

"So you're jealous?" Light asked. "A little. I mean, I don't think I'm not pretty. I think I'm pretty on a level, but in Satan's name, I am not on Kimi's level yet. Nor ever will I be." I chuckled.

"She probably thinks the same about you." L hummed, finishing off his cake. "Huh? No way." I pffted. "Well you said the best friend is always the beauty goddess, and you're her best friend, so shouldn't it work that way too?" L asked. "Maybe, but I'm sure she knows she's the better looking one." I sighed.

"I think you're very pretty." L said and it went quiet. "Thanks, Ryuzaki." I smiled, perking up a bit. Light cleared his throat and we both looked at him.

"Just making sure I'm not third wheeling." He shrugged. "You aren't. There aren't any third wheels." I assured him.

The boys just threw me a look.

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