000. Mission pt 2

93 2 0

2098, Three years pre-mha

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2098, Three years pre-mha

The late afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the park as Yuka and Shoto sat on a bench beneath a large oak tree. The sounds of children playing and birds chirping filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the heavy conversation they were about to have.

It had been one year since they'd become friends. Three hundred sixty-five days. Eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. And it had been the best of her life.

She would go to sleep remembering the things he'd say to her as they walked back from school and wake up excited to see him waiting outside her house with a bottle of strawberry milk he would wake up earlier to buy for her.

Part of her was in a constant state of guilt for lying to him. Every day she saw his smiling face waving at her, the guilt gnawed at her a little more.

Yuka glanced at Shoto, his profile illuminated by the warm light. There was a quiet intensity in his eyes that hinted at the pain he often kept hidden. She had been thinking about opening up to him for a while now, and this seemed like the right moment.

"Shoto," she began softly, drawing his attention. "Can I ask you something personal?"

Shoto turned to face her, his expression serious but open. "Of course, Yuka. You can ask me anything."

She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "You've mentioned your father a few times, and... I get the sense that your relationship with him isn't easy. I was wondering if you'd be willing to talk about it."

Though she knew it was only a "mission", she knew that her feelings had grown to something much more. He was genuinely the only person who had cared for her in her whole life, and the only person that understood her. And sometimes, seeing the pain in his eyes when his family is brought up hurt her.

She wanted to understand him. Even if she didn't need to.

Shoto's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and understanding. He nodded slowly, as if weighing his words. "It's true. My relationship with my father is... complicated. He's the number two hero in Japan, Endeavor. You probably know him."

Yuka nodded, remembering the name from the countless news articles and broadcasts she had seen. She also heard her father's voice echoing how Endeavor wanted to breed her quirk with his sons.

"Yes, I know of him. But I didn't realize he was your father."

Lies. They tasted worse than they usually did when the boy that was being lied to was truly her best friend.

Shoto's gaze dropped to his hands, which were clasped tightly in his lap.

"He has always been obsessed with power and becoming the number one hero. He married my mother for her quirk—ice—so that they could have children with powerful quirks. I was his 'successful' experiment, the one who inherited both his fire and my mother's ice."

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