003. USJ

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"The school is under lockdown! Someone broke in!" Someone yelled over the ringing of the alarm. Panic spread like a virus, making all the students burst into a frenzy.

    "Evacuate to the roof."

    The problem was that four hundred people were in the same place, with the same destination, with only one path to get there.

    Yuka sprinted towards the hallway with Uraraka, eventually pulling ahead of the girl as she weaved in between panicked bodies. She managed to make a gap between her and the crowd because of reacting to the instructions the soonest. She was in the front of the huge crowd which was slowly speeding up, getting way too close for her liking.

    She heard the loud pounding of footsteps behind her, not slowing down to mind the insignificant girl in the front to save themselves.

    What heroes they were. And why were they so fast?

    She continued sprinting ahead of them, but unfortunately speed was not her strong suit.

    "Stop!" She tried to yell, looking back and seeing the crowd closing in on all sides, bodies jostling as they ran faster than she could. She was being crushed by bodies that were going way too fast. Her legs gave way as she failed to keep up with the ignorant crowd around her.

A hand emerged from the throng, grabbing her arm and pulling her with it.

    She grabbed the faceless stranger's arm, clinging onto it for her life as they almost dragged her with them.

    "It's alright guys! It's just the press, no need to panic." A familiar voice yelled above their heads. Everyone slowed down and looked up, surprised to see Iida splayed on top of the exit sign, his legs shaking.

    A relieved breath was shared among the crowd as people calmed down, slowly starting to disperse. The hand around her waist disappeared and merged with the hundreds of faces complaining about the disturbance.

    "Wait!" She yelled, frantically trying to search for the person that had helped her so that she could thank them. They had practically saved her from being trampled to death when no one else spared her a glance in their frenzy to get to the roof.

Who was it?

Her answer was mingling in the leaving crowd, a mere five feet away– a flash of red and white hair.

"Alright guys, welcome to our training facility! We call it the Unforseen Stimulation Joint, short U.S.J." Aizawa's voice echoed as he spoke, introducing the large dome they were standing in. Yuka observed in awe, seeing the many different environments there were in one space. "Let me introduce you guys to the teacher that will be guiding you through today's training. Unfortunately, All Might isn't here due to personal circumstances, so it will just be us."

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