Chapter 1

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All rights and characters and everything but the plot and some people belong to J.K Rowling.....Okay so time is set different because well I want it to be that way.. So yeah check out my other works too plz!

Chapter 1: Traveling Back

It's been a few hours since the war and I am sitting in a rock hangover hiding from Death Eaters me and a group of other students were looking in the Forbidden Forest for any rubble or dead people and we split up to cover more ground. I was found and so I ran in the direction I thought the castle was but I was wrong I ran and ran. It's pitch black and I can't see a single thing I am sitting under a rock hangover with death eaters right he above me. I start thinking of different spells since I can't apperate since they can just track me. That's it! I mutter a spell for time travel in Latin and my world goes black.

* * * * * *
I could feel the ground beneath me and I could hear voices "You think she's alright James?" I tried to fight off the darkness that was trying to consume me "I don't know. What do you think happen to her?" I open my eyes to see a young Sirius a young Professor Lupin and a boy who looks a lot like Harry. "Who are you?" my voice was horse and my throat hurt "I'm James Potter this is Sirius Black that's Remus Lupin. Who are you?" I coughed "Hermione Granger." I could feel the blood trickling down the side of my face letting me know my cut reopened. "Ma P you might want to hurry!" Sirius shouted causing me to wince at the volume of his voice. The last I saw was a woman figure coming towards me before it went black.
* * * * *
I woke up in a soft plush bed. I went to sit up but my head started pounding it's protest. "Thank Merlin your awakening thought I was going to have to take you to Saint Mangos." I looked up and I saw a female version of Harry. "Dear I need to know what happened to you and where your from so I can inform you parents." I looked her over wondering if I could trust her or not, I just knew I could trust her. "Promise to only tell those who need to know?" She looked at me quizzically then nodded. So I told her from the moment I stepped onto the Hogwarts express to the moment I travel back. When I finished I had tears streaming down my face and she had teary eyes. "Dear what spell did you use?" I smiled "It was a spell I created when I broke my Time Turner. I say the words and think of the time I want to go to and I get there. But this time I thought about being able to stop all the death all the pain." she nodded "Okay dear I have to go right to Dumbledore about this. Can I send the boys up they really wish to see you?" She smiled and chuckled "Of course ma'am." she smiled even wider "Call me Ma P every one else does and since you'll most likely be here a while you can." and she left. I heard the boys stomping up the stairs. James came in first fallowed by Remus, Sirius and Peter. "Hiya I'm not sure if you remember any of us so I'll do introductions. I'm James Potter that's Sirius Black this is Remus Lupin and over there is Peter Petagrew." James said well sitting down at the end of me bed and pointing to every one. "Hi and Um.. Thanks for like helping me and all." They all smiled but Peter "No problem. So you gonna tell us what happened to you?" Sirius said leaning against the wall "When the time is right yes." Peter grumbled and Remus said "A mystery. So will you tell us about your self then?" u looked down at myself to determine my age
"Well my name is Hermione Granger I am obviously 13 I love to read my favorite color is purple. I dont really have a home."
"You forgot one thing we can see the scar on your arm. Your muggle-born." Remus said with care in his voice well looking at me like I was a frightened puppy. I covered the scar with my hand "Yeah but that's not important. Right?"
"Your scared we'll reject you because of it aren't you?" I nodded my answer to Sirius "Well that doesn't matter your still my new sister!" I chuckled at James enthusiasm. Sirius stuck out his hand "Pleasure to meet you Hermione." I shook his hand "I am Sirius Black I am 14 I hate reading and love riding on my broom. My favorite color is blue."
"I am James Potter your new brother I am 13 I love playing quidditch! Oh and I am really energetic!"
"Remus Lupin 14 book worm and shy."
" I am Peter Petagrew. Likes school." I was chuckling trying not to laugh at James who clearly wasn't finished talking and is now pouting. "It's great to meet you all." So we talked and talked and talked with them getting to know me and me getting to know them. "Kids it's dinner time!" I heard Ma P's voice ring up the stairs "Come on Mione Ma's cooking by is the best!" James helped me up and down the stairs and into the dinning room where Ma P and a man where sitting. I sat down next to James "So this is who my boys brought home. I thought I would be a waiting my a few years before they brought home a girl." the man said causing the boys to look at him "Aw come on Pops it's not like that Mione's family!" Sirius said getting defensive and the others nodded agreement with his statement. The man called Pops raised his hand in mock surrender "Alright. Alright. So the boys and Ma call you Mione but what's your real name may I ask?" I smiled at him "Hermione. Hermione Granger." he chuckled "I like Mione better. Oh an you can call me Pops the others do." dinner was good we talked and ate some really good food. Peter left after dinner with his mom to go and 'visit his sick grandma' I don't believe him but I am the only ones to know what he is capable of. I was sitting in my room reading when a knock came on the door "Mione can we come in we wanna do a sleep over?" I walked over to the door and opend it letting the boys in"Come on in." We talked and talked until we fell asleep.

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