Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Christmas Shopping and Ride Home

It was now the chilly December I have been waiting for. Only down side is Professor Dumbledore said we would have to postpone the hunting till the school is less over run by events. I was packing my trunk for me to head back to the Potter Manor where me, James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter would spend our two weeks. I smiled as I walked down to the common room to hear James and Sirius brag about their win against Slytherin in November. "Come on you fools we have to go so we can do quick shopping at Hogsmeade before we leave for the train." Sirius looked up and smiled James on the other hand complained. "Come one Mione I was just talking about how we kicked Slytherin butt at the game!" I rolled my eyes and saw Remus and a very tired looking Peter. I smiled at Remus and shot a nasty looked at Peter. "She had a point James Ma P wants us to get her and Pop's gifts here instead and now instead of the difficulty of doing it with her." Remus said standing next to me by the portrait. Sirius stood "Come on James Mione won't stop pestering us till she gets her way plus we can get all our shopping done now and plan our pranks for when we get back." James face lit up at the mention of pulling pranks, he jumped up and walked out or the common room and down the hallway "You coming or what?!?" I smiled and laughed at James and fallowed him with Remus, Peter, Sirius talking behind me. We split ways when we got to Hogsmeade so we can, like Sirius said, get most of our shopping done. I had almost all of my gifts bought and bagged but I couldn't find one for Sirius. I got James a broom repair kit, Remus a new book, Peter an enchanted bag to give him his favorite candy, Ma P a necklace that says mother, and Pop's a silver watch. I sighed as I knew it was time to head to the train station to get ready to leave, and I still didn't have Sirius gift. I walked silently to the station thinking of what I could possibly get him. "Hey Mione you alright?" I jumped and looked to see Remus looking at me with concern in his eyes. I sighed "I don't know what to get Sirius, I have stuff for every one else but him! It's so frustrating!" I ran my hand over my face in exasperation this is so aggravating! We had arrived at the station and we were just waiting for the others to get here. "Don't worry about it Mione I'm sure your brilliant mind will come up with something." I sighed and nodded seeing James, Sirius and Peter walking up to us laughing. I fallowed behind the boys laughing and joking in front of me as they tried to find an empty compartment. When we had finally found one I was so tired of the boys bickering, and I just wanted some peace and quite. "You gonna stand there or sit with us Mione?" I sighed and pulled out the map we started making "I'm going to go sit in an empty compartment and work on the map." 'Since I have all of Hogwarts memorized' The boys looked shocked and saddened but let me leave. I walked down the hallway some and see another empty compartment where I sit down and pull out the map to work on. "Can I join you? Every where else is full..." I look up from drawing the below ground floor. "Oh Severus of course you can." He smiled at me and sat down and I noticed Lily was behind him "Mind if I join to?" I smiled "Not at all!" I scooted over so she could sit next to me and I put the map away so they wouldn't see it. "Not sitting with your boys?" Lily asked breaking the silence, "My boys?" She giggles "Yeah you are the only girl who really hangs with them. Well unless they have a dating interest in you then they hang out with you." I thought about it and realized she was right I was the only girl to be around them unless they are flirting. "Oh... I never realized it." Lily giggled and Severus scowl. "Every one calls then your boys I am surprised who hadn't heard." I sighed I wanted some quiet time to myself but that probably will not happen right now. I forced a kind smile "I think I'm going to rest. Will you wake me when we're close to the station?" Lilly nodded and Severus said he would so I closed my eyes and fell into the dark world of sleep. Which to me felt like it didn't last long enough when Severus woke me up."Hey Hermione we're at the station...." I opened and closed my eyes waiting for them to stop being so blurry. I noticed Lily wasn't in the compartment, "Did Lily leave already?" Severus looked down and shook his head. "A girl named Molly came and asked her to join them and she left a few minutes after you fell asleep." I nodded and smiled "Thanks I'll see you around." And with that I walked off the train knowing I had two people I still needed to find Christmas gifts for.

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