Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: First Day
(Okay so I am making up proffeser names for some teachers and other not)

I woke up earlier than most of the Griffendor house did. After showering and dressing for my first day of third year, again. I made my way down to the common room and saw a very tired looking Remus. "You okay Remus? You look terrible." He jumped in surprise and spin around to face me, I giggled. "Sorry, but really are you okay?" I said taking a seat next to him "Umm... Yeah just tired." I nodded "Okay, are you sure that's all?" He smiled a weak smile and nodded. He went back to staring at the flames of the fire, I started watching them to enchanted by their flickering. "Mione?" I turned to see Remus looking at me with a slight blush on his cheeks "Yes Remus?" He turned a brighter shade of red "Wanna join me for breakfast? The others won't be up for a while." He scratched the back of his head nervously, I giggled slightly at his shyness. "Of course I'll join you for breakfast, I really don't have anything better to do." He smiles and stood up holding out his hand for me to take 'such a gentleman' I took it allowing him to help me stand up. We walked side by side down to the Great Hall talking about all sorts of things. Just getting to know each other even more. 'This is the most I have heard him talk' I thought to myself with a smile. We sat down and I grabbed a muffin to eat. "Have you thought about joining the quidditch team or just going to focus on school?" I looked up at Remus, we had gone silent when we started to eat. "Ummm...... I don't really know...." He smiled "That's fine." By now I saw James and Sirius walking in the hall. "Morning boys" I said ad that sat down. "Hey Mione has was your first night?" I smiled as Sirius had to stifle a yawn "Amazing I slept like I hadn't slept in weeks." James shook his head trying to wake up "How can you be so awake at this hour Mione? You usually sleep all day." Sirius said taking a bite of his eggs "School is today and I can't be falling asleep in my classes now can I?" James just shook his head at me and we ate in silence once more.
"Whats our first class?" James asked when we finished eating. "Potions with the Slytherin's." The boys groaned, and I giggled at them "Come on before where late!" I stood up and walked out of the Great Hall with the boys fallowing behind me.
It was now lunch. All of my classes and gone great but potions. I ended up being partnered with none other than Severus Snape for the first term. "You okay Mione? Snape didn't give you any trouble did he?" I giggled at Sirius and his over protectiveness "No I'm fine just thinking about the essay we got assigned in transfiguration." James groaned "Don't remind us Mione and besides it's not due until next week why think about it now?" I smiled "I want to get it done and over with so I have more time to pester you James." Sirius, Peter, and Remus all laughed at the look on James face. "You wouldn't!" I giggled "I will!" James smacked his face against the table "Why meeee!!!" We all laughed at James behavior. We ate mostly in silence, the boys talking about quidditch every now and then or what girl they thought hot. 'Boys will always be boys' I thought to myself as they started talking about quidditch again.
The rest of the day went by in a breeze, and I was now sitting with the boys at dinner. "So Mione you trying out for the team?" I looked up from staring at my plate "I don't know if I want to. I mean sure sounds fun and all but it will get it the way of my schooling." Remus tried to hid his smile and failed, James and Sirius frowned. "So what about schooling you need to let loose and have some fun for once in your life Mione." I sent Sirius a glare "I care a lot about my education so no I will not join the team and I do have fun!" I was mad 'how dare they question me about me education!' "Look Mione we were just trying to get you to loosen up some. We're sorry if we offended you but we didn't mean it that way." James said like he was talking to a wounded puppy. I took some calming breaths and sighed "Sorry just getting good grades means a lot to me." They nodded "Ahem Mrs Potter the headmaster would like to see you in his office the password is sherbert lemon." I turned around to see Proffeser Slughorn. I nodded "See you boys later." I walked in silence alone to the headmaster office. Saying the password and walking up the stairs I knocked on the large wood door. "Come in." I walked in and saw Proffeser Dumbledore pacing "It seems we have much to discuss Mrs Potter. Please have a seat." I sat down "Tell me what are the current horcruxes?" I sighed "He should have his diary, his father's ring, Slytherin's necklace, Ravenclaw diadem, and finally Hufflepuff cup. I'm sure he hasn't made Nagine his snake and Harry hasn't been born." He nodded "Do you know the locations of them?" I tried to remeber what harry told me "The diary was in possession of the Malfoys, the ring was in the Gaunt shack, the locket should still be in the Crystal Cave, the cup was in the Lestrange vault, the diadem in the room of requirement that's all of them." He nodded again "Thank you Mrs Potter I will talk with you again soon. You are dismissed." I nodded turned and left back to the dormitory where the boys were waiting. "So what happened?" James asked as soon I sat down next to him. "I can't tell you not now at least but I promise I will. I need to head to bed I shall see you boys tomorrow." I walked up to my room and barley made it to the bed before sleep overcame me.

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