Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: One Down and Four To Go or Not?

Dedicated to my lovely sister for her love and support Adeline_Centennial

I woke up, today is the day we destroy the diary. I got ready in jeans and my gray T-shirt. After going through my morning routine I walked down to the common room to see James messing with Lily and the others just sitting across from them. I tried to sneak off to breakfast but luck was not in my side. I stopped as James called out, "Hey Mione as were waiting for you to get up. We wanted to know if you'll watch us practice quidditch this morning before tryouts?" I turned and faced them "I will but only for a little while. Come on let's go get breakfast." I spun around and started toward the door. "Umm.... Mione breakfast isn't open yet." Sirius said as if it was the most important thing. I giggled "But the house elf's sure do enjoy the company we can bring them in exchange for food." I was standing in the other side of the portrait holding it open waiting for the boys. "Well?" And that was all it took the boys fallows me down to the kitchens and we ate an amazing breakfast. It was 7:30 when we finished eating and got out to the field. I fallowed the boys to the storage shed. "Did you bring your broom?" Remus asked as we arrived in the shed "Yep." We pulled out our brooms and flew around for a good several hours and had a few mock games for the boys practice. When we were our way back around 10:30, we ran into Snape. "Hey don't say anything to him!" I snapped as Peter was about to say something. "Why Mione?" I sighed and pointed out "He's been crying so just lay off and besides you all have homework you must do. As for me I have to see the headmaster." I spun on my heal and left straight to the headmasters office. "Thanks." I spin to see you talked to me, I was almost to the headmaster office. It was Snape "For?" He looked ashamed "For stopping them for picking on me." I smiled at him and he slowly smiled back. "It's not a problem," I stuck out my hand "I am Hermione Potter you are?" He shook my hand "Severus Snape...." I looked at the time it was five till 11 "It was nice meeting you but I have to go the headmaster has called me..." He nodded and smiled "Will we talk again?" I smiled "Definitely." Once again spinning around I rushed to the headmasters office.

Knocking when I arrived I walked in and say down across from the headmaster. "Good morning Ms Potter I hope you are ready for today." I nodded "I am sir." His eyes twinkled "Then lets go. But be warned breaking into a vault is very difficult." I nodded 'I broke into a vault before I should know'. "Alright we need a plan." I looked at Dumbledore shocked "You don't already have one?" He chuckled "I need your help of course being as you have broken into a vault before." I sighed ours was strange to do and very difficult to do. "Well we could use poly juice potion and turn into a Malfoy and use a charm to trick the goblin..." I trialled off. 'Hanging with Ron and Harry really made me a rule breaker and now hanging with the Marauders'. Dumbledore looked deep in thought "That might work but we need a hair which I will attain." I nodded "That is all you can go now I must get a hair and start working on the potion." I nodded "Of course sir." I stood up and left the office, checking the time it was now noon and I knew the boys where probably worried sick about me. I walked in silence to the common room hoping the boys were there so we can work on the map again. "Hey Mione what took you so long? What did Dumbledore want?" I sat down across from Sirius the only one in here beside from me. "We just needed to talk about what happened before I met you guys." I sighed and tried to hold back tears 'his behavior reminds me of my time Sirius it was slightly depressing'. "Oh... Can you tell me about that time? You know you can trust me." I sighed again "I just can't. At least not now it can mess up everything." He looked hurt "I am always here for you Hermione just know that." I smiled and blushed slightly "Thanks that means a lot..." He smiled then looked sheepish "Umm... Can you help me with my transfiguration essay I haven't started on it and its due tomorrow. I smiled "Of course I can help you." So for the next two hours we spent working on Sirius homework and goofing off some. When the others had finally arrived back we had finished all of out homework. "You worked on homework Sirius?" James asked looking dumbfounded, I giggled "Yep we worked in it together." Remus just burst out laughing at the look on James face when I said that, I couldn't help but to join in with Sirius. "I never thought I would like e to see the day when my little Sirius grows up!" James said finally laughing at us and wiping the fake tear off of his cheek. "Your an complete and utter idiot you know that James!!" Sirius shouted as he pelted James with a pillow. I smirked and slowly picked up another pillow and smacked Remus with it. "Oh its on!" He shouted and grabed a pillow launching us into a large pillow fight. During that time we didn't notice e the grim look that passed over Peters nor the fact that he left the common room. I collapsed on the couch laughing and trying to catch my breath which was really hard to do. I looked at the time "Shit!! We have to hurry if we want to make it to dinner in time!" I jumped up the Three boys fallowing me as we ran down the hallway to the Great Hall. We made it in time and sat down refilling ourselves from our pillow fight. I talked with Lily and Molly about the latest fashion and all that good jazz that girls talk about. After a very filling meal and a lecture from Dumbledore about knowing the castle and we shouldn't be getting lost, I headed up to the common room as Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter, talked to one another and sometimes pestered Lily and Molly. Making it up to the girls dormitory I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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