Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Ride back to Hogwarts, Shitty Emotions and Justice Finally

I sighed as I landed on the platform looking around for my friends "Mione over here!" I spin and see Remus walking towards to me, I smile and run over to him embracing him in a hug "I've missed you a lot Mione." He whispered in my ear causing me blush 'I don't like him do I?' I pulled back as James and Sirius ran up to us. I tuned out there conversation as I mulled over my thoughts 'I cant like any one from this time but I kinda did have a crush on Remus when he thought at Hogwarts but I also had a crush on Severus after Ginny pointed out some things about him to me. Uggg this is just so confusing!' I am pulled out of my thoughts by James shaking me "Mione come on we have to go or we'll miss the train!" I nodded and fallowed the boys onto the train and into an empty compartment, still not listening them but reliving memories of my past. As I sit I notice that Severus, Lucius, and Fenrir are sitting in the compartment with the boys. James being James flipped out "Who invited you here last time I knew nobody liked you slimy snakes!" I sighed and pushed James back into his seat "Last time I knew you said you where going to be more accepting of my friends so shut the fuck up and leave them alone." I practically growled the last few words and sat back in my seat looking back out the window. "Lil Snack?" I turned to face the boys again "Yes?" They gulped but I couldn't help it my emotions were on overload and I didn't know how to stop them, it made me feel weak. "Are you okay?" My glare got worst and my emotions spilled "Do I look fucking okay to you?!?!?! I have been through more hell then you could ever imagine on top of the fact  I miss my friends and family! I miss my old life before I came to this god awful place!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face then I ran I couldn't look at them any more my Professors, the two people Harry lost and two people who made my life hell. I ran down to the girls bathroom and locked my self in there not wanting to face them again until I got a better grip on my emotions. Sitting on the floor I cried and cried until I couldn't cry any more and still then I was hiccuping. I had finally calmed down when I heard the ten minute whistle, sighing I walk towards the compartment with my trunk and of course the boys. Getting there I ignore the boys grab my uniform and head back to the girls bathroom to change, after I change I head back to the compartment to apologize. "......something really traumatic must of happened to her I mean I have pissed her off a load of times and never has she just blown up and yell." I stop and lean closer to the door to hear them "Did you see the pain in her eyes when she looked at us? Its like she knew some one like us and it hurts her, I don't want her to be hurt she's to kind kind and sweet suffer." I smile softly of course Sirius would say that. "None of us want to see her suffer Black and your right she is to kind. I think we should try to help her, get her to let out her emotions before she has a mental break down again." I decided to go in, opening the door "I dont need your help with letting my emotions out I do that on my own." They jumped "How much did you hear mudblood?" I chuckled "I only just got here so no need to get defensive." Sitting down by the window I look to the boys "I never thought I would see the day you guys get along with out me having to yell at you." They looked offended and thats when I noticed Peter wasn't here "Wheres Peter?" I stood up "Like we would know he wasn't at the station and he didn't come find us so maybe something happened?" Sirius said sounding a little jealous "Since when did you care about that rat Mione?" Severus asked "I dont, I care about what he is doing. You'll understand when I tell you about my past." I got up and left the compartment leaving the boys behind and started looking for Peter.  Knowing I didn't have a lot of time I cast a simple tracking spell and fallowed it to a compartment in the back, stretching out my magic I could feel the strong spells placed on it. Sending a patronus to Dumbledore hoping he would get it before we got to the station and be here before then too. Backing away I cast a simple disillusion charm, leaning against the wall and waiting. I didn't have to wait long for Dumbledore came with Slughorn. I removed the charm and stepped forward "Hermione my dear what is it?" I sighed and waved my wand at the compartment removing all of the charms on it allowing the teachers to hear. "Do you think he will be pleased with the amount of us that have gotten others to join his cause?" Frowning slightly Dumbledore and Slughorn moved closer to the door "I sure hope so sneaking out to practice the dark arts in the Room of Requirement is hard especially with that Potter girl watching the room and us like a hawk." I knew Peter was the one who said that "Who cares. I know when I get the chance I will kill her she gets on my nerves . Acting all smart and stuff it pisses me off." Having heard enough Dumbledore and Slughorn left after making me swear not to tell any one. By the time I made it back to the compartment the train had reached the station, meeting up the boys we walked to the great hall where we split ways.

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