Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Letters and Shopping.

Its been a few weeks since I arrived here in the past and it had been eventful Remus and Sirius left to there homes a few days ago and I learned how to play quidditch surprisingly I am really good. It's breakfast right now and I am eating toast with James sitting across from me not eating but staring at his plate. Pops is reading the Daily Prophet and Ma P went to get the post. "Guess what kids we got your Hogwarts letters for third year! James why don't you go write Remus and Sirius and see if they wanna come and I would have you asked Peter but he is busy grieving." James face lit up and he ran off to go and owl his partners in crime. "Oh and Mione we can pick you up something at Diagon Alley when we go since when your birthday gets here you will be in school and you can pick out what you want." I nodded I couldn't wait to get to school. "Thanks Ma P." I stood up "When are we going I need to tell the boys!" James said from up the stairs. "How about today we can all met up here at 11 since it's only 9." Ma P said "Okay!" I walked up stairs to my room and got ready for the day. I knew what I was going to get it was going to be a new broom since I was tired of using James old one. I stopped and looked in my mirror I was wearing a black shirt that said snitch and had the golden snitch under the writing and dark Blue Jeans. I walked down stairs and looked at the time 10:55 the others will be here any minute so I went and sat in the living room with James. "So Mione what are you getting for your birthday girly from Ma and Pa?" I looked at him and smiled "The new Hummingbird 4 (Don't know if it's an actual broom then but it is in my book)." He smiled and started jumping up and down like a two year old and I bust out laughing at him. "Whoa mate I know were good friends but you don't have to act all kid like!" Sirius said as he stepped out of the fire place "Mione is going to get..." he was cut off as Remus fell out and onto Sirius who hardly moved out of the way. "Ouch!!" I looked at James and he looked at me and we laughed I couldn't help it it was hilarious to see them struggle to get up in that mass of limbs. "Oh hush is Mione I bet you would fall to!" Remus said after he successfully got up. I stopped laughing and acting like I was thinking I knew I would have no problem with flooing "I don't know Remus we might just have to see when we leave to go another our school supplies." by now Ma P and Pops where standing there with amused smiles on there faces. "We shall see then Mione!" Ma P chuckled "Come on now let's go get the school supplies. Now James you go first." James took a fist full of the floo powder and stepped in "Diagon Alley!"
* * * * * *
We had gotten all of our school supplies and we were now sitting in the back yard. Talking about how school would be and what t her lessons where and what not. The boys decided to play quidditch all but Remus who said he would rather read which is what I am doing now. I was almost finished with the book I was reading on time travel when I felt some ones eyes on me I looked up to see Remus looking at me, when he noticed I caught him he looked down and blushed. I chuckled and looked at the one on one game of quditch going on. I leaned back against the back of my chair and closed my eyes. Soon I fell into the sweet darkness of sleep.

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Sorry it's short but I really don't want to write a whole story and then no one reads it. So yeah comment if you want me to continue.

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