Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Train Ride Back and Meeting

I still hadn't talked to James since Christmas and I wasn't planning on talking him anytime soon. We were heading to King's cross station is today was the day we were heading back to Hogwarts. I'm so excited!!! 'I really can't wait to see Sirius and Remus and Severus it had been to long!!' I couldn't stop drinking as we passed through the platform to the train station. I stopped and looked around to see if I could spot the others I didn't so I said goodbye to Ma P and Pops and got on the train sitting in an empty compartment and slamming the door shut and locking it so James couldn't follow me in.. I sat and waited for any of the others to show up. It was 5 minutes before the train had to leave when I finally saw Severus and Lily get on board. I open my compartment door so that way they could come in and yanked them in. I hugged Severus since I really don't like Lily and I hugged Lily too though so she didn't feel left out. "Hey guys how are you?" Lilly grinned "I'm good though I did miss a certain quidditch player and now I am about to go and find him." She said as she threw a look at Severus. I looked at him with a questioning glance "Whats her problem?" He shifted uncomfortably "We argued before the break and I guess she still hasn't forgiven me." I nodded "Between you and me I really don't like Lily either." (And truly I don't :/ sorry)  He just smiled sadly at me "If she is a true friend she'll come around." He smiled a true smile this time "Thanks Hermione....." He looked like he was about to say something else when our compartment door opened to reveal a very angry looking James, Sirius and a neutral looking Remus and a terrified looking  Peter. "How dare you insult Lily and then think you can just sit in her with my sister!" James shouted catching the attention of other students as he reached for me. "Who I sit with does not concern you and if you can't understand that it's your fault James Potter so don't you come I'm here and yell at Severus who happens to be my only friend beside Remus and Sirius at this current moment!! And don't even start calling me your sister! Get out and leave us alone!!!" I had stood up and I knew I looked like a mad women but I didn't care. James gulped and Sirius had the decency to look ashamed as Remus and Peter looked like they were ready to cry. "I am your brother and you shouldn't be hanging out with someone who is a Slytherin!" I was about to make a comment when a prefect intervened "That's enough all of you go back to your compartments!" And so almost everybody cleared out all but Lucius Malfoy and Fenrir Grayback. (Ima say he is here in school as a student) "That was a ballsy move there mudblood." Lucius said as Fenrir chuckled and I just grinned "Glad you liked the show." That seemed to shock all three of the Slytherin's. "What?" Fenrir spoke this time "Your not offended?" I sighed and pulled up my sleeve and showed them my scar "I am reminded of what I am constantly so it has stopped effecting me beside I really don't care what others call me anymore." 'When you fight in a war you will stop caring too my Slytherin friends They just looked sorry? "Did some one at school do that to you?" Lucius asked as he took a seat next to me running his cold finger over my scar. I sighed and shut the compartment door after Fenrir stepped in. "No it happened a while ago... And please don't ask anymore question it hurts to remember and please don't tell anyone I would like it to stay a secret." They nodded and sweared to keep it a secret. Lucius stuck out his hand at me "Friends? I really like you you seem more Slytherin them even some if the Slytherin's." I smiled and shook his hand "Friends and I like you more than most of the Griffendores." Fenrir grinned and we shook hands too, "So little snack why do you like us more than your sappy lions?" I chuckled "I have no friends because my head is always in a book and when I try to talk all they talk about is emotions and gossip so I gave up." Lucius smiled and winked at Severus discreetly but of course I saw it. "Really someone as pretty as you has no friends?" Fenrir asked getting closer to me "Yep and don't even try to make a move I have no interest in foolish stuff like romance." 'Because all it got me was losing Ron and every one I truly love'. They noticed my darker turn off thoughts and tried to distract me. "So little snack what beside books do you enjoy?" I smiled slightly "Quidditch but I won't play for a team I do it as fun." Lucius looked intrigued and Fenrir grinned "Really we should play a few rounds of quidditch next Saturday it'll be just the four of us." I nodded since I hadn't played in a while "Sounds great you two in?" Severus shook his head no and Lucius said "Yeah we're in!" I chuckled and leaned back in my seat smiling. We talked and talked even after we stopped and got off I stayed with then after they invited me and we got into the carriage and walked to the Great Hall together. We got stared at and heared whispers about us but we ignored well most of us did I could tell Severus was affected. "Well my little snack I see this is where we must part ways but I'm sure will met again." Fenrir said walking away "Bye little mudblood!" Lucius shouted as he fallowed Fenrir and I just chuckled "Bye Mione see ya in class." Severus said as he walked after them to sit down. I walked to my table and I knew I was being stared at and I knew whispers would start. I sat between Remus and Sirius still ignoring James. Dinner was peaceful but I knew James was ganna blow up when we get to the common room. Sirius keep apologizing and Remus said he wanted to talk to me alone about the train ride argument. We walked to the common room in silence but as soon as we got inside James dragged me up to the boys dormitory so we could talk if course the others followed. We sat down in the beds and Remus put a silence spell up. "What the hell Mione!!" James screamed "He called you a mudblood in front of everyone!" I stood up "He was joking! It was a joke! Jesus they are my friends and I am still mad at you! You can't control me Damit James! Let it go!" I had screamed the entire thing and now I was worked up. I stormed down the stairs and rushed out of the common room and down the hall to the Room of Requirement where I spent the rest if my night.

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