Chapter 14

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Dedicated to animegirlewurabena for being a good friend. 

Chapter 14: Mid Summer Adventure

It was the middle of the summer and now it was just James and Sirius here with me, Remus and Peter left to spend some time with there parents. Sirius moved in when he tried to return home and the wards wouldn't let him in, Ma P of course sent a house elf to get his things and he moved in with us. Right now James, Sirius and me are out on the Quidditch pitch playing around but not having an actual game when Ma P came out with a letter. I flew down to meet her. She had a grim look on her face "Its for you Mione dear and please for the sake of all of us be safe." I smiled and hugged her "Of course I will." Then I headed inside to read the letter and reply. 'Mrs Potter I am pleased to inform you that I have found the location of another horcrux and I will be by tomorrow at noon to pick you up and bring you with me. I warn you it will be very dangerous but I will need you help. Hoping your summer  is well --- Albus Dumbledore'  I sighed and wrote my reply to Dumbledore, I summoned a house elf to send it off for me. I   gathered some things I might need with me and put them in my charmed purse. Making sure I had every thing ready for tomorrow and a cover story for where I am going, I open my door to have James and Sirius fall into my room. "Is there a reason for you two to be ease dropping?" Leaning against my door frame I gave the boys a look. "We are just worried about you Mione we know stuff has happened to you and now your here getting letters Ma P wont tell us about! We heard you pack things up and we wanted to make sure you are okay ." Sirius said as James nodded his agreement. I sighed again 'Seems like I'm doing that a lot lately'  "Listen guys its nothing you need to worry about right now. Like I said before I promise when the time is right I will tell you what I went through and what I am doing now." James looked like he was about to protest but I cut him off "No arguing with me." With that I left the room to the library to practice some spells.


I spent the rest of yesterday afternoon learning about higher level spells then what I learned in my own time. Right now I am sitting in the dinning room trying to get James and Sirius off my back, "Guys really I'll be fine going into Diagon Ally by my self Ma P and Pops already said I could." James looked like he was going to say something when Edger came in "Mrs. Mione? Ma P requires your presence in the foyer." I nodded to the elf "Tell her I'll be there in a a minute." I turned to look at the boys "Bye!" and I walked away with out giving them a chance to reply. Getting to the foyer I saw Ma P, Pops, and of course Professor Dumbledore "Ready my dear?" Dumbledore asked holding out his arm so we could side apparate, I nodded and linked my arm with his well waving good bye to Ma P and Pops. When we landed we were outside an old abandoned shack, "Professor sir, may I ask which horcrux is here, and umm where is here?" He turned to me "Here is the Guant Shack and inside I am sure is the Guant Family ring the second horcrux." I nodded, he smiled "Good come now, and make sure you have your wand at the ready I dont know what spells he has in place or if he has a guardian here for it." He turned and pulled out his wand heading towards the shack "I understand Professor" I pulled out my wand and fallowed him in. We walked slowly through the door and into what looked like it was a sitting room. "I think we should split up Professor and we could send a patronus if we find anything." He looked like he was about to reject the idea "Professor you must understand I fought a war in my time a little horcux hunting like this is nothing." He sighed and nodded "Alright but if you find anything of=r need help send me a patronus." I nodded and headed to what looked like it was the kitchen and dinning areas. I casted a small Lumos and looked around, sending my magic out to feel for the dark energy that horcruxes give off. Feeling and seeing nothing out of the ordinary I turned to look down a side hallway to what I assume leads to the area where the house elfs lived. Walking down the hallway I get an eerie feeling of being watched, shaking it off I keep walking forward until I reach an open room. Sending out my magic again I am met with the feel of a house elf, I spin around quickly to see one that looks uglier than Creature "You must be very foolish mudblood to come in here for my master has a monster here to kill fools like you. You dont even stand a chance." I heard a thump and saw Professor Dumbldore's Phoenix the house elf laughed and I ran fallowing the Phoenix as it lead me back to its caster. Running up stairs and down a hall I find a small basilisk looming over Dumbledore as he shields his eyes. I look around for something to distract it with when I see the sword, thinking on impulse I grab it and lunge at the snake catching it off guard and killing it. "Professer are you alright?" I asked helping him up "Yes Hermione I am fine just caught off guard." I nodded and turned to the door the basilisk was guarding, and sent out my magic "Its in there I can feel it." Dumbledore looked at me"Its not all the time a witch or wizard is strong enough to push out there magic." I blushed "I thought myself to help Harry find the horcruxes in my time." He nods and heads to the door with me fallowing close behind. We entered the room, it was a typical bedroom minus the dark aurora emitting from a small ring box on the dresser. I opened it and picked up the ring "This is it Professor." He turned to me and nodded, I set the ring down and lifted the sword "You might want to stand back some sir they tend to fight back." When I thought he was a safe distance away I lifted the sword and destroyed another horcrux. "Well done my dear." I nodded and reached down to the ring and pulled out the resurrection stone "I think this needs a new home sir." He looked shocked and grabbed the stone pocketing it "I can assure you I will give it a safe home."               

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