Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Reactions and Hunting in School

The boys sat in silence processing what had just been said. Sev was the first to move pulling a close to tears Mione into his arms. "Oh Mione you held all of that in for so long I am so sorry." She started crying she couldn't help it, it felt good to get all of it off her chest. "Mione shhhhh, its okay. Its going be okay, we are here for you and we are not going any where." James said causing her to sob harder. "You might not be going anywhere but when I destroy the last Holcrux I will be sent back to my time. I'll be leaving you." Remus was the one who spoke next "It doesn't matter, you will always be in our hearts and I have  a feeling we will be seeing each other in the future." He pulled Mione into a hug when the others pulled back to look at him, "I will always love you Mione nothing will change that." She smiled "Thank you Remus that means a lot to me. Thank you, all of you for being here for me and being my family." They all smiled their unique smile "Like you said Mudblood we are family nothing is going to change that." She pulled slightly out of Remus grasp and held out her other arm as an invite for a group hug. They pilled in, for all of them the past hour was emotional mostly for Mione but the boys all made a silent promise to be there for her. "So Mione you didn't really mention us in you tale, did you met any of us?" Sirius asked as he pulled back, the others followed and looked at me with curios eyes. "I did meet a few of you yes." She didn't plan to tell them in the end all but Fenrir died. "Well you gonna go into detail." James asked as he practically bounced with excitement. She sighed deciding to give a few hints. "Well two of you were my teachers, two of you I had to fight against, and the last two I barley saw." They smiled and started to try and guess who was who. "I think Remus and Lucius were the teachers." Sev said and the look from Lucius was priceless, he was glaring at him, angry at what Sev said. "There is no way I would teach a bunch of brats! I would more likely be one of the ones she fought against. If she wouldn't have come back I would still be hating Muggleborns." Sirius nodded "That makes since and I think Sev would be the other teacher." Mione just watched on with a content smile on her face, happy that they still wanted her. A clock suddenly appeared on the wall behind the bickering boys. "Oh my god!! I was supposed to meat the headmaster nearly 20 min ago."  She jumped up and quickly grabbed her stuff. "Oh and dont forget we have a game today so you boys best practice." and with that she left running down the halls pushing past kids and teachers trying to get to the office quickly. When she was almost there she ran into some one causing them both to fall. "Are you alright dear?" It was Slughorn "I am alright Professor thank you." He nodded "Off to see the headmaster?" She nodded and scooted around him "I am late to see him so I really must get going." With out waiting she took off causing Slughorn to shake his head. He knew she shouldered a lot of responsibility all the teachers knew the truth after her  mental break down. Mione raced up the staircase and bounded through the door. "Headmaster I am so sorry that I am late! I really didn't mean to! I lost track of time!" He chuckled "Its alright Hermione. I figured you would be late because of the business you had to take care of." She nodded and sat down in a chair. "How are we going to find it? Neither of us can hear it like Harry could." He smiled slightly "I may not hear it but I am powerful enough to sense it. With a certain high level spell any one can sense back objects of spells." Mione eyes lit up in wonder, she had never heard of such a spell. "Its not common because the spell itself is dark." That's why "I understand professor. Now can we go? I promised the boys a qudditch game at 2 and its already 12:30." The headmaster nodded and grabbed the sword and lead the way to the ROR. "No one is in the ROR if that is what you are wondering, after the boys left Hogwarts did me a favor and sealed it off until we could come." Mione was shocked, she knew Hogwarts was alive but sealing off rooms, that was awesome. "I understand Sir. Do you think it hurts her? I mean the Holcrux, I know they are dangerous." She looked up at him as they reached the door. "Think of it like a tic, something that bothers her but she cant get ride of it. That's where we come in." Mione nodded and followed him into the ROR, as soon as the door closed he cast the spell. "Stay close I do not know if he has it guarded." So she did, following him as they searched in a cluttered giant room. "You know when I was here I would often hide other students items in here as a joke. Of course they never got it back because I forgot where it was." Mione smiled, it was nice that the headmaster was trying to relax the situation. Near the back is where Dumbledore stopped "I sense it is in the chest here. Get ready with sword." He handed her the sword and opened the chest. It was the only thing in there, sitting at the bottom wrapped in cloth. Dumbledore slowly levitated the Diadem out and onto the ground. Mione lifted the sword and swung down shattering it, and releasing a horde of black angry smoke that took on the shape of Voldemort's face and screamed. Slowly she handed the sword back to Dumbledore and left the room. She realized she would need to fight and kill Voldemort before she could leave.               

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