Chapter 12

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Dedicated to all my readers who have stuck with me all this time!   

A/N  So whats written in between '    '    these thingys and not italicized is her nightmare 

Chapter 12: Talks and Nightmare's

It had been about a week since the argument on the field and the destruction of the diary so I am back to ignoring James and planing with Dumbledore. So far we are trying to find a way to locate the other horcruxes since Harry really didn't tell me where they used to be housed. Right now its almost the end of the school year so most of my time spent studying or planing so I really don't see much of my  Slytherin friends. And it sucks! Right now I've secluded myself in a corner of the library to study even though I know all of the stuff since I learned it in my time. "Lil Snack!" I look up at the sound of Fenrir voice and smiled at my three Slytherin friends "Hey guys whats up?" They all sat down around me and gave me concerned look "Well we noticed that you looked a little frazzled so we wanted to make sure you doing fine mudblood." Lucius said as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder and looked in to my eyes. I sighed and smiled at their concern "I'm fine just studying for the finals that's all." Severus chuckled "We all know you are going to pass at the highest you can." I blushed and chuckled "Thanks guys" They looked satisfied and then Fenrir spoke "So Lil Snack wanna come play a quidditch game you owe us?" I chuckled and nodded "Yeah let me put my books back in my common room and ill meet you guys out there."  They voiced their agreement and walked me to my common and then left to the pitch. I quickly dropped of my books and left to the pitch. After several hours of playing I headed back to my common room after promises of hanging at the lake tomorrow. When I arrived it was almost curfew so everyone was there or in their beds. All but the group of people I really didn't want to see. "Hey Mione I wanted to apologize for my behavior the past few months." James said sheepishly as he stood up and walked over to where I stopped to listen. I sighed "Alright your forgiven." He grinned and picked me up swinging me around. While the others sat in the background smiling at our makeup "I'm so glad we can be friends again! i have missed your input and telling us not to cause to much trouble." I shook my head at him still smiling "I'm glad to but know if you insult any of my friends again I will hex you into oblivion and its not a threat its a promise." I said narrowing my eyes and looking at all of them in a threatening manner. James smiled and nodded with the others while Peter looked at me with a silent threat in his eyes. 'Game on'  We sat talking for what seemed like hours and which it probably was before the Gryffindor prefect came through the portrait and sending us off to bed. Which didn't come so easy to me being as my sleep was always plagued with nightmares. Finally after what seemed to be an hour I finally fell into the oblivion of sleep.     'I was standing in the center of Malfoy Manor again only this time Voldemort was there his wand pointed at Harry. Ron was laying dead and forgotten off to the side and me? I was kneeling beside Harry consumed by pain it felt worse then when I was hit with Cruciatus by Bellatrix. Voldemort started to talk "So you thought you could defeat me? I am the most powerful wizard now that Dumbledore is dead and you? You are just a pathetic child fallowing a lost cause." Then he cackled throwing a Cruciatus at Harry as I screamed for him to stopped hell I was begging him. "Oh how sweet the mudblood wants us to stop. Maybe I should torture her instead? How do you fell about that Harry?" Without letting anyone answer his rhetorical questions he turned and pointed his wand at me and yelled "Crucio!" The pain was far worse then the pain I was already in and it was worse then Bellatrix's curse. I screamed in pain and withered on the floor in agony. Voldemort let up on the curse as his Death Eaters laughed and laughed. Suddenly he turned and pointed his wand at Harry again "AvadaKedavra!!" I screamed at the top of my lunges as I watched Harry join Ron as a dead body laying on the floor forgotten. ' I woke with a start sweating and shaking, my throat was raw a sign I had been screaming. I summoned a glass of water and never been happy for a silencing charm. I finished my water and sent the glass back to the kitchen and walked down to the common room knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while. I sat down in one of the chairs and stared into the fire for only a few minutes before I heard someone talk behind me "Cant sleep either Mione?" I turned around to see a disheveled looking Remus, I smiled softly at him and patted the seat next to me. "No I couldn't, though I am curious as to why you couldn't sleep." I said giving him a look that said we need to talk. He sighed as he sat down across from me  and gave me look that begged me not to press him. ' To bad we have to talk'  "Well do I have to strangle it out of you or are you going to tell me?" I said causing him to sigh again "Well ummm some stuff happened and I am ummm...... a ummm werewolf......." he stuttered well talking and kept his eyes downcast. I smiled at him even though he couldn't see it "Okay not a big deal. Is that why you cant sleep?" He looked up at me in surprise at my words and then slowly nodded, "I have trouble sleeping around the full moon." he sighed again looking down "Oh Mooney why didn't you tell us? We would have helped." We spun around at the sound of another voice joining us to see James, Sirius, and Peter standing at the base of the stairs leading to the dormitory's. I smiled inwardly 'Now he can get the help he deserves.' They sat down and looked at us, Remus gulped and looked down. "I was ashamed and I wasn't going to tell but Mione can tell if we lie.... I'm so sorry!!" He shouted and then started crying while we comforter him. "It's fine Mooney we will always be with you no matter what."

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