Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Train Ride To Hogwarts

I couldn't hold in my excitement as I jumped out of my bed and I shut of my alarm. Today is the day I get to go back to Hogwarts! I got ready for the day in a white T-shirt that had a broom on it and said 'Fly High' with my favorite faded Blue Jeans. I walked down stair and to the kitchen and ate a pastry. "You seem in a good mood Mione." I looked up to see James walking into the kitchen "Yep!" he just sat down and ate. I zoned out and started thinking about my back story I had to tell people who asked. I was a transfer student from Baboxtrous Academy I was a cousin of James and I had to live with them for a while. I would also be starting my third year at Hogwarts. Maybe this year it will be normal Now that I don't have Voldemort trying to kill me Harry and Ron' I thought bitterly "You okay Mione you zoned for like ten minutes." Ma P asked with a hand on my shoulder I smiled up at her "Yeah I am fine just really excited to be going to school!" She chuckles "Alright are you all packed dear?" I nodded "Packed last night like you told me to." I heard Pops laugh his deep belly laugh "At least one kid in this house listens!" Ma P started laughing with him when he finished saying that and I laughed to the look on James face. It was priceless! "Why is it always me you pick on!" James whined as we stopped laughing "Because dear brother of mine you are just that much fun to pester!" I smiled a blinding smile and laughed as he sent me a death glare. "No fair Mione you aren't suppose to team up with them!"
"To bad!" I laughed again and went to go get my stuff ready for the train ride to one of my favorite places in this world.

* * * *
Me James, Remus, Sirius and Peter where sitting in a cabin on the train talking and holding around. I was staring out the window laughing I stopped a frowned I had only ever ridden this train with Harry and Ron and those times we rode it towards a hard full year avoiding death from Voldemort. I sighed and closed my eyes flashbacks of when me Harry and Ron would joke around on the train and breaking the rules at school. I felt a small smile grace my lips when I thought about when Delores Umbridge was at the school teaching 'Defence against The Dark Art' yeah like we actually learned anything well we did when Harry decided he was going to teach in Dumbledores Army. I smiled even wider at the memory of us riding the Therestrals to the Ministry to save Sirius instead he died any way. I felt a tear run down my check at that though I was so close to him now and I am glad I have this chance to fix every thing. "Hey Mione you wanna...... are you crying?" I heard James ask me and I felt some one sit next to me but I never opened my eyes. "Just memories." I day smiling opening my eyes and wiping away the few tears that had fallen. "You sure? You can always tell us what's wrong..." Remus said as he patted my back "Yeah I'll be fine like I said just memories." They frowned "Seems like some bad memories...." Sirius muttered, I sighed 'you have no idea' "What where you asking me James?" Remus scooted back to his seat "Sweets from the trolley, want any?" I shook my head no "Suit yourself.." The boys chatted about all different thing like new brooms, quidditch, class and other things I really had no interest in. "Where here Mione! Let's go so you can talk to Professor about placing you!" I chuckled at Sirius and his enthusiasm about me being sorted. "Alright" I fallowed the boys out and we walked to the castle. It all looked the same but it was after all a magic castle it could look however it wanted. The boys stopped and I barley was able to stop before I ran into Peter. "You must be young Hermione Potter, I am Professor Dumbledore, I shall have a Proffeser lead you inside when we are ready to sort you." He still had the same twinkle in his eye "Of course Professor." I watched the boys go in and each of them wished me good luck, I heard the chatter in the hall and the welcome speech fallowed by the sorting of the first years. "Ready my dear?" I sighed Dumbledore left me with Professor Slughorn, I nodded and fallowed him inside "We have a transformation student from Baboxtrous Academy and will be joining us for her 3rd year Hermione Potter." I walked up as Dumbledore called my name. Sitting down on the stool I felt the hat be placed on top of my head, 'smart and still brave I see no real changes there' "Gryffindor and the Great Hall erupted in appluase and i sat at ht etable between James and Sirius "Let the feast begin!"


I smiled at James and Sirius banter as we walked from dinner to the common room. "Password?" I looked up as we reached the portrait who is guarding the common room "Phoenix Hair" the door swung open allowing us in, nothings really changed. "Molly can you please show Mione where she'll be sleeping?" (I don't know of they knew each other but here they do) "Of course!" A young Molly Wesley walked away from a group of girls and up to us at James call. "I'm Molly you must be Hermione?" I nodded "Nice to meet you" she smiled "Here let me show you to your bunk the boys must have worn you out." I smiled and fallowed her up the stair to my new room. After talking with Molly for a few I got ready for bed and curled up under the silk red sheets, falling asleep almost instantly.

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