Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Recovery and A Date?

It was tense for the next few days after Mione had her mental breakdown. Dumbledore even canceled the plans. Her friends were afraid to talk to her in case they triggered another one. She couldn't stand it so she sought out, well a good book to read in the room of requirement. Getting Hogwarts a History she slowly trudged up to the RoR to read in peace, hoping that the boys wouldn't just watch her instead of talking to her. Getting there she paced back and forth thinking of a place where she could relax, but she didn't stop pacing she just kept going. Finally she realized a door had opened when she felt Hogwarts brush her with its magic. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you wait." she muttered as she walked into the cozy room. She walked to the couch that was set up in front of a calm fire. Sitting down she opened the book and began to read, starting from the first page, at alas she couldn't get that far, the memories. So she just sat there thinking of all the good times she had with everyone, even the small little crush that had developed on Remus when he was a teacher. She smiled, she just couldn't help it, for so long she would just day dream in his class about if she was older, of course she stopped after Sev taught the one day. Grinning to herself, stuck in her past, she didn't notice when the door opened and in walked the 6 boys that she has claimed as her own. "Mione is that you?" Jumping up startled she pulled put her wand to face the intruders. They looked terrified when she had jumped up, after calming down she lowered her wand and another couch appeared as she sat back down. "Lil Snack you wouldn't actually hex us badly would you?" Fenrir asked as he sat next to her pulling her into a hug, which she greatly accepted missing their affection. "I just might if any of you startle me like that again." Obediently the boys nodded, "So mudblood whatcha' doing?" Lucius asked as he sat on the other side of her and picked up her book. "Reading! Come on Mione, why don't you do anything fun?" Sirius asked as he and James sat on the other couch. "Readings not that bad, I mean at least one Potter can read." Sev said as he sat down on the floor in front of her. She noticed how her three Slytherins were kinda protecting her, and how Remus hadn't really come farther past the door. 'They must have had an argument then'  "So what brings you boys here?" They grinned an awful grin "Well we noticed that a certain curly browned haired book worm was feeling a bit down so we decided that we were going to spend all day with her." James said as he leaned forward pulling out his prank bag. She smiled she couldn't help it she had missed this, all the closeness and familial bond that they had. "Okay but I get to pick the first prank victim!" Smiles and laughs were seen and heard, along with  a few screams and complaints from other students, all day long as the group of trouble makers boned again. By dinner time the little family had pranked the entire school, even teachers, no one was spared they even pranked each other. Crowding around in the RoR the group was able to convince the house elves to bring them some dinner, of course the house elves were happy to comply, well because they love Mione. After several hours of talking and screwing around, the room produced some beds, telling them it was curfew and they needed to get some sleep. The group pulled the beds close together and they put Mione in the middle and the boys crowed around her. They were still having hostilities toward Remus so he was on the outside as the others cuddled Mione. Within minutes all but the squished and the outsider were sleeping. After about ten minutes Mione climbed out of the pile, not noticing Remus was awake. She called a house elf and when it arrived she ordered some coco "Make that two please." Remus had gotten up and stood beside Mione, she jumped "Oh and can you bring them to the astronomy tower?" The elf nodded and vanished. "Come on Mione lets go watch the stars." She grinned as Remus grabbed her hand and slowly pulled her with him "Are you asking me on a date Mr. Lupin?" He blushed slightly but nodded and replied with confidence. "I believe I am Mrs. Potter." Slowly and carefully avoiding the teachers, they made it to the astronomy tower. The elf had left the coco on the window sill, walking over there, Mione transfigured a box into a couch for them to sit on. Grabbing the coco's the two sat down, Mione cuddled into Remus's side, basking in his warmth. "I am sorry Mione, for being a dick the past few days, you know after that night." She smiled and looked up at him pecking him on his lips before she went back to cuddling into him. Grinning and blushing he put his arm her, whispering he asked "Is all forgiven love?" She blushed but nodded "Yes, it is." So for the rest of the hour the two cuddled before they fell asleep, missing their morning class because of Dumbledore. The old coot had covered the window, turned the couch into a bed, covered them, and even excused them from the entire day of class. Mione of course had a panic attack about it, but a simple chaste kiss calmed her down enough to get her to spend the rest of the day with Remus in the tower away from the world.  

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