Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Hiding them Away from Prying Eyes

It had been a week since that crazy Black girl had threatened me and it was becoming difficult to avoid Lucius since he was every where and the other boys kept trying to get me to talk to him. I wanted to tell them about the threat but she had people watching me the entire time so I couldn't. Hell she even had people watching Gryffindor Tower and that was not fun. I was looking for every opportunity to talk with them, 'Today is the day I will tell them'  I thought as I saw Severus, Fenrir and Lucius heading towards us right in front of the room of requirements. I thought about the room and a door appeared and I walked in not checking if the boys fallowed although I know they did. Sitting on one of the couches the room provided I waited till the others were sitting. "The reason I was avoiding you was because Narcissa Black threatened me and she had people watching me so I couldn't tell you." Lucius looked like he wanted to kill her and I wouldnt stop him. "How dare she! Thinking she can control your life I swear I am going kill her!" I chuckled and put a calming hand on Lucius shoulder "How did she threaten you?" Remus asked as he scooted closer to me on the couch. "Well she said if I didn't head her warning she would hurt some of you guys and I have already seen enough people suffer." I looked away from there pitting glances not needing any more of it. "Mione you know we wont be going anywhere and nothing will happen to us." Severus said "Still I cant help but worry."   I turned away my memories still haunting me all the people lost. I closed my eyes and tuned them out for a second to get a hold on my emotions, when I open my eyes they looked at me in concern again. "Sorry just had to get a hold on my emotions sometimes they over run me." They nodded and Remus got up and pulled me into a hug, starting a group hug that lasted a few minutes though I didn't complain. After we released each other and sat back down. "So now to deal with that bitch who thinks she can control you." Lucius said getting our attention back on the reason we had to meet up in secret. I sighed "You cant hurt her that bad. Thats my job." They smiled and so we got planing. "I think we should let her think she got her way a little while longer and then we should attack." James said as he leaned forward like he does when he is planing a prank "I agree, we should pretend she is getting he way for about another week or less and then we should just be like bam bitch you messed with the wrong group of friends today." Sirius said as he too leaned forward next to James looking like a kid in the candy store. Smiling I put my input "I agree but we need to hit her from all sides, she messed up my study time and my quidditch time!" The boys smiled at me "I think Lucius should be the first to attack her, I mean she is obsessed with you." Remus said as he leaned more towards me. I knew he was still slightly uncomfortable around Fenrir since he first changed even though Fenrir apologizes almost every full moon. I put my hand on his as a sign for comfort, "She cares a lot about image and I say thats where we hit her first." I say as I think over some of the pranks the twins pulled on peoples looks. "I agree. I say we should put a few potions in her shampoo and stuff." Sirius said as he starts bouncing up and down. I chuckle and nod "I agree and Severus, Lucius and myself will be able to slip some of the stuff in." Fenrir said as he leans forward a predatory look in his eyes. Lucius clears his throat "I cant really be a part of this Narcissa is my arranged partner and my parents would be pissed if I did anything to her."  I look closly in his eyes and I can tell he is afraid of his parents. "Thats alright blondie we can handle it." Sirius said seeing the same fear I did. "Yeah I have no problem handing that Black girl her own head on a silver platter." Severus said putting his input in, I nodded then looked at the others and smiled. "This is going to be fun! She won't know what got her!" James and Sirius said at the same time giving their signature look when they prank. "So we first got her image. How do we do that?" Fenrir said as he leaned a bit away from Sirius. "Well her being my cousin and all I know she cares a lot about hair, so I say we put a potion in her hair that will mess it up!" I chuckled asking with Remus at the look on Sirius face at the idea of being able to get Narcissus back for all he went through. I nodded "We should dye it and make it so that her hair will stay that way for a few months. What do you say Lil Snack?" I looked and Fenrir and then the rest of the boys. "Lets do it!" We grinned and broke out into laughter. And that's how we spent rest of the night. Taking about getting the Black girl back and making awful jokes till early in the morning.

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