Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Start of Sweet Revenge

"That Potter girl better be watching her back. She was talking to him the other day Cissa." I chuckled slightly in my hiding spot. Right now me and Remus were siting behind statues waiting for Narcissa and her groupies to walk forward. I saw them round the corner walking straight into our trap. Sirius and James gave me and Remus the thumbs up, I nodded. Remus and James lifted up their wands and pointed them at the bucket on the beam above us while me and Sirius pointed our wands at eye level. "Now!!" James shouted as the girls got where we needed them. we let our magic loose dying the girls hair a bright pink and giving them orange booty shorts and  yellow crop-tops that they couldn't remove. I threw out a vanishing stone (i dont know whats its called but its the stone Harry uses to get into the Slytherin train cart that he got from the twins) and we ran off meeting up with Fenrir, Severus and Lucius in the Room of Requirement. I fell onto the couch the room had produced. "Did you see their faces? It was priceless!" James said as he high fived Sirius. I chuckled again and looked at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts, I was pulled out of my thoughts by the ceiling changing into the sky. "Mione?" I looked over at the boys, "I'm fine I promise just missing some stuff."  Remus knelled next to me "You can always talk to us? We all our here for you." I smiled and hugged him letting the flood gates open, sobbing uncontrollably into his shoulder. He rubbed my back as the others slowly came over and embraced the two of us making me sob harder. "Its okay to let it out Lil Snack, we are all here for you." I pulled back and wiped  my tears from my face "Im fine now thanks guys." Standing up and  sitting back on the couch with Remus next to me "You sure Mione?" Severus asked as he sat on the other couch I nodded "We have crazy ladies to get revenge on. I cant wait till dinner for when they drink the potions." We bust out laughing just thinking about all the dirty little truths Narcissa will be admitting to Fenrir, Luius and Severus. "Umm... Mione one problem how o we get the potion in their drinks?" I grinned thinking of my friends in the kitchen I've made on my sleepless nights. "Leave that to me, speaking of which I should probably go and do that now so i have enough time to sweet talk the elves." Standing up I go to leave "Let me come with you, I think you should always have at least one of us with you." Remus said standing up as I turned to see him "Makes sense now go I wanna hear all their dirty little secrets!" I chuckled at Fenrir and left with Remus. "How do you know the elves will help us?" We were half way to the kitchen when Remius broke the silence. "Because I'm friends with them thats how I know plus they dont like her." He nodded and we continued to walk in silence until we reached the entrance to the kitchen. "Ready?" He nodded and we walked in "Hello Mione Miss!" I smiled and crouched down to be the same level as Peaches "Hello Peaches, how are you?" She smiled most of the students dont even show respect t the house elves. "I'm good Miss what can Peaches do for you?" I pulled the potion out of my pocket, "I need you to do me a favor by adding this into Narcissa Black's drink and her two followers. Can you do that for me?" She nodded so enthusiastically her cute ears flopped "Of course Peaches can do this for you Miss!" I hugged her "Thank you so much!" She nodded and shewed the two of us out of the kitchen. "How hard was that? Now we go back to the others and wait." I said as I turned to head back up to the ROR. So the rest of the afternoon was spent coming up other prank ideas and waiting for dinner. When dinner came around we all headed down together and split up to go to are tables. "Ready to eavesdrop to hear all sorts of interesting conversations?" James asked as we sat near where Narcissa sat with Lucius, Severus and Fenrir. I grinned this was going to be fun.

Remus POV

I sat next to Mione and stared at her. She was perfect in my eyes, but I knew she would never like someone like me.  Im a monster, a freak even more so on the full moon nights. "Remus?" I jumped slightly when Mione put here hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry I zoned out." She looked concerned and it was cute the way she almost pouted and creased her eyebrows in concentration. "Are you alright ? I mean you were staring pretty hard at me." 'Shit is she on to me?' " Yeah sorry about that I was lost in thought." She nodded seemingly satisfied with my answer, or so I thought. "Let me know if there is something on your mind I can help you with, we are friends after all." Friends there is that awful word, 'I hate just being your friend Mione cant you see that?' Sighing knowing my thoughts were going to get lots of questions if I didn't snap out of it. Listening in on the conversation between Lucius, Severus and Fenrir like the others were doing I catch the end of a sentence ".... She is a whore that Mione girl all she hangs out with is boys why do you three even like her, I mean she is nothing special." I could almost laugh at the look on Lucius face, he looked so pissed and so did we. Mione, well she just smiled and looked like she was trying not to laugh. "Mione are you alright? She did say some mean things."She nodded "I'm just fine, but are you boys? You guys look more insulted then I am." Before Sirius and James could blow up and over react I spoke. "We'll get over it. At least we know how she feels." We decided not to listen to the conversation and just have the others tell us what they said tomorrow . Eating dinner in peace with all of my true friends was great but sadly the peace didn't last, a first year walked up to Mione after dinner telling her she had to go to the headmasters office. 

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