Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Expulsion, Half Truth and Threats

It was the morning after the train ride back and we had the day off, of course I knew Dumbledore was planing on getting ride of the students that were sitting in that compartment. Smiling slightly to myself I got up and did my morning ritual, I walked down to the common room to wait for the boys. It didn't take long before Remus came down "Morning Moine." I smiled and patted the seat next to me "Morning Remus." He blushed "Ummm I was wondering if you know the first Hogsmead weekend you would like to go with me?" Now it was my turn to blush "I would love too thanks Remus." We fell into a comfortable silence that was interrupted a few minutes later by James, Sirius and Peter coming down the stairs talking loudly. "Come on Mooney! I wanna be in Great Hall when our prank pulls off." I sighed and showed my face too "What prank?" James jumped and looked caught "Oh umm its just a small little prank on Longbottom." I rolled my eyes and fallowed them down to the Great Hall, getting there we saw a light commotion. "What's going on?" Sirius asked "Some students were caught doing dark magic and are now being expelled and having there wands snapped." We turned to see that it was Lucius who said it with Fenrir and Severus at his sides. "Really?" I fought to keep the smile off my face "Ah here is the last student who was also caught." Dumbledore said walking over to us and pointing at Peter "As Headmaster of Hogwarts I hear by expel you. Hand over your wand." Peter looked angry as he handed over his wand "How could you Peter?" James asked as he stepped back looking at Peter horrified. He just sneered as he was taken off to the Headmaster office after watching his wand snap. Looking at Dumbledore I asked my question with my eyes 'When will we get the next one?' He looked at me and shook his head no and walked away. I was confused 'Did he not want Voldermort dead?' Shaking my head I walked my table and sat next to James as he processed that his best friend was using dark magic in school. "You seemed unaffected by this Mione why?" I looked up at Sirius and sighed "I have never liked Peter and I knew the entire time he was and evil person. I guess I just didn't have the heart to tell you..." I looked down ashamed "Its okay Mione we understand you were trying to protect us."James said as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled "Thanks guys." I smiled looking at them "But I think we all deserve an explanation of how you knew he was evil?" I was dreading this part "Alright meet me outside by the Black Lake in like an hour and I'll tell you. Oh and bring my three Slytherin friends." With that said I left and walked towards the headmasters office to talk to him. Getting there I said the password and went up "Professor sir? Why did you shake your head at me?" He turned to face me his eyes lacking the usual twinkle "I want you to have at least one normal school year." He put up his hand to silence my protest "This is for the best, you told me and Ma P that you havn't had a normal school year at all during your years here so I decided to give you a normal school year. No I will not change my mind and no you cant go after them your self." I sighed in defeat "Yes Professor." He smiled slightly "Now I do believe you have your friends waiting for you at the lake yes?" I nodded and left heading down to the lake. Going over to where I see them at I join them. "We are all here Lil Snack so tell us how you know." I sighed and sat a little away from them and looked over the lake "I knew he was evil because I've seen it. I cant tell you much but I'll tell you what I can. Peter manipulated and betrayed you James just like he always would I just helped prevent it from going to far." I sighed and lost my self in my thoughts about finding out the truth of Peter and Sirius. "Mione you make it sound like your not from here from this time..." I sighed again and looked to Remus "I cant say any more." Fenrir looked like he was about to say some thing when James stopped him "She is doing this to protect us so lets not push her." I smiled 'He has grown so much' "James has a point she doesn't push us when we have secrets why should we push her." Sirius said as he looked the others in the eyes. "Thanks for understanding guys." They smiled and so we sat and talked for a few hours until it was time for dinner in the Great Hall. Walking there together we split up and went to our tables. "So Mione are you going to join the team this year? After everyone saw you play with the Slytherins they want you to join our team so we can kick major butt this year!" Sirius said as he went on and on about my skill in quidditch. I sighed and made up my mind 'Since Dumbledore wants me to have a normal year I will.'  I cleared my throat and looked at the boys "I think I will. I mean I dont really have anything else to do." They grinned and so dinner was spent talking about quidditch. Walking towards our common room laughing and talking together I was pulled away into a hidden alcove, I felt the wand against my throat and tried to look behind me to see who it was but my hair was pulled. "Stay away from my boyfriend you slut!" I must have had a confused look on my face so the voice clarified "Stay away from Lucius or I'll hurt one of your precious friends. Snape would be a good first or maybe Lupin?" I froze then slowly nodded "I will." and the voice let me go so I spun and saw Narcissa Black Sirius cousin. Slowly leaving the alcove still watching her I hear my name being called. "I found her!" I turned to see Lucius standing down the hall, I looked back at Narcissa and made my choice. I turn and ran away from the prying eyes of my friends. No my family. 

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