Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Starting the Hunt Over Again

Mione's POV

Today was so good to, but I guess all good things don't last. Sighing I said goodbye to the boys and started walking to  the headmasters office. I was a little excited, it had been a while since I had an adventure. Getting lost in my thoughts about my adventure's with Harry and Ron, I didn't notice I was right in front of the gargoyle. Thinking of the last password that was known I just guess "Sherbet Lemon." Grinning when it moves and the staircase rises. Knocking softly on Dumbleodre's door, I wait till he allows me to enter. "You called for me sir?" He nodded "I believe its time to start our hunting again, do you agree?" I smiled and nodded "What one are we going after now?" He got a grim face "Slytherins Locket, which if I'm correct its sitting in  cave." I flinched remembering the story Harry told me when he came back from that awful place. "You know about the caves defenses then?" I nodded, "Sir do you know about the caves defenses?" He nodded grimly. "Yes my dear I'm afraid I do, but do not fret we will be fine. You can apperate can't you?" I nodded, "Then you can get us out. Now why don't we start on our way tomorrow around noon perhaps? Give you time to be with your friends." I nodded thinking of a lie I'll have to tell the boys, "I'll see you tomorrow at noon sir. Have a good evening." I turned and started to walk out. "You as well Hermione." Opening the door I rushed to the common room, I was struggling with everything. 'To think that I  was going to have a normal year.' Spitting out the password I rushed into the common room and flopped down onto the couch nearly landing on Remus, who was the only one out here. "Mione are you alright? You look a little pissed." Tonning down my glare I sit up and look at him. "It's nothing just stuff from my past." I turned missing the pained look on his face, "Well I'm always here if you need me, and I'm all ears." I smile slightly and direct my stare to the fireplace. "Thanks Remus. Umm where are the others?" He smiled "Collecting info for the map, they were complaining about being bored." I nodded, he scooted closer and hugged me. "Mine I want to respect your reasons for keeping your past but your making it hard on me when your hurt I want to help you." I tensed, the sighed burring my fave in his chest. "I can tell you a few things." I muttered as I closed my eyes. "Really?" I nodded "You guys are great people who do amazing things. You personally are absolutely perfect and everything works out." I poured out pulling myself closer to him, while he held me tighter. "Oh Mione what broke you?" That's when the flood gates opened, and I balled my eyes out into Remus's chest. He rubbed my back and held me. After a couple minutes I calmed down and pulled back slightly. He kept his arms around me, we had locked eyes. He put his hands on my cheeks, putting his forehead against mine and he closed his eyes. He looked at peace. I smiled, he was still handsome, younger but handsome.

Remus POV

I don't think she realized how perfect she is. It's awful that she was, no is broken. I want to kiss her so bad but I don't want to scare her away, but I couldn't resist. I slowly met her lips with mine in a soft peck. I pulled away and looked at her bright red face.

Mione POV

I was basking in the affection and happiness I was feeling. I was about to pull back to say something when I felt his lips on mine in a sweet peck. I opened my eyes, feeling my face turn red. He looked happy, genuinely happy. "Remus? Mione?" We turned and saw the James and Sirius standing there. "Damit now I owe the Slytherin's money!" Sirius shouted as he threw his hands in the air, and James just looked hurt. "How long?" I looked at James "Now?" He looked at me "So you didn't hide your relationship from us?" I shook my head. "No James why would you think that?" He looked at Remus for a brief second to acknowledge him then back to me. "Mione has kept her past from us so I don't know what else she would hide!" I gasped "How dare you Harry James Potter!....." I stopped realizing what I said. I collapsed sobbing again. I miss home. I miss Harry, Ron the Weaslys, my parents, everyone. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry...." I was rocking back and forth, hugging myself. They stood around me frozen, confused. "Mione?" Remus had put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry. You won't understand but I'm sorry. I never meant for anything bad to happen but it just did. I wanted to be helpful but I wasn't. I tried to understand but I couldn't. It terrifies me that I won't be able to do anything about it and I cant go through it again." I was panicking gasping for breath and shaking. I was flashing back to the moment when I saw Remus die. He died for me. Bellatrix aimed at me when I want looking and Remus jumped infront of it. He died because of me. I sobbed harder. So many people lost their lives.  Ron, the twins, Remus, Tonks, Moody, Dumbledore, so many people. I couldn't breathe, I didn't know what was going on around me but the last thing I saw was Dumbledore.

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