Chapter 11

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Quick A/n: Hey guys sorry for the lack if updates I had exams and a bunch of school stuff but now it's summer so I will try to update more! And enjoy the new chapter!

Chapter 11: Arguments, Cancels, and Hunting Oh My!!!!

'That was easy' I thought as I finished all my homework for the next two weeks. The first week back had been uneventful after the first night. Sirius and Remus apologized and tried to convince me that James was just being protective because he cares for me. I knew it was true but I was tired of being naive. I had still not had that talk with Remus that he wanted I have been avoiding most of them. I had about and like 3 hours before I had to meet up with the others at the quidditch pitch. I had packed up all my stuff and put it away and started heading down to Professor Dumbledore's office so we could talk about hunting the first of the horcruxes. I walked as fast as I could to his office trying to avoid any other student "Cockroach clusters" I mumbled as I arrived at the gargoyle. I swiftly made my way up the stairs and entered when a soft voice told me too. "Headmaster" I said respectfully and nodded my head in a greeting. "Ah Mrs Potter I'm glad you came as soon possible we have much to discuss." I nodded and sat down "What all do we have to discuss?" He just grinned showing off that twinkle in his eye. "We new to discuss how we are going to break into Malfoys family vault and get the diary." I frowned I didn't want to cancel my game with the boys but this is more important. I won't let my new Slytherin friends fall to that horrid darkness. "I understand sir. Are we doing it today?" He nodded "We must I believe when this is all finished you will return to your own time." I nodded for I had already figured this out 'but am I ready to go back? Everything will be different'. I thought about how me Ron and Harry broke in to the Lestrange vault. I smiled "We could use poly juice and a curse that works like the unforgivable but it's only know by me." Dumbledore looked proud "You would make a fine spells mistress. What is the spell?" I grinned at the complement "Putere it's Roman for power." He nodded and stood walking over to a portrait and asked it to do something. "I will send for you when the polly juice is done. Go tell your friends you will miss your quidditch game today but maybe tomorrow will do." I nod "Thank you Headmaster." He smiled and I left rushing down the halls as I only had a hour left before the game and if I know Dumbledore he will have the potion done by then. I had made it to the pitch within a few minutes, the scene was awful. James had his wand pointed at Severus and Lucius had his wand pointed at James and Sirius had his wand pointed at Lucius and Fenrir had his wand pointed at Sirius and Peter had his wand pointed at Fenrir and Severus lacked a wand, that's not even including the crowd of on lookers. I sighed and came forward unseen but still able to hear the argument. "I am warning you stay away from both Lily and Hermione your are a foul git and don't deserve to be around any of them!" James shouted as Sirius and Peter nodded in agreement. I could feel my eye twitch in anger. 'How dare he say THOSE THINGS he has no right!' "As far as I know Snack had no problem with us being around her!" I wasn't able to see Fenrir face but I knew it was him for he always called me Snack. 'I have to break this up'. I walked forward and when people saw me they moved I knew it showed on my face how mad I was. I stopped next to James and pulled out my wand putting it against the side of James head. "I suggest you lower your wand James or I will kick your ass." He lowered his wand as if shocked to see me. "Hey little Mudblood!" Lucius said as he and Fenrir lowered thier wands, Sirius and Peter fallowing more slowly. "You have no right to dictate who I associate with my friend are my friends and you right now are far from ant thing near a friend to me!" I saw the crowd step back and Professor McGonagall walk through, but I didn't care. "I don't want you near me if all you can do is be mad about my choice in friends for I don't like some if yours but yet I never complain so don't complain about mine!! When you have learned to respect me and my opinion that's when I will talk to you again." The onlookers looked taken aback by my lack of care around a teacher. I spun around grabbed Severus, Lucius, and Fenrir dragging them with me away from the pitch and towards the black lake where we could talk. "That was ballsy Lil Snack real ballsy!" Fenrir said laughing as he sat down next to a tree near the lake, the others joining him well I stayed standing. I sighed "I will be leaving soon I have to help run an errand for a teacher and I can't really avoid it." That looked disappointed "Why Mudblood?" Lucius asked pulling me down to sit next to them. "I can't get out of it I already am stuck but maybe tomorrow we can play?" They all looked dejected but they agreed, "Wait when do you have to leave?" Severus asked causing me to scrunch my brow in thought. "When Proffeser Dumbledore sends for me." Fenrir grinned and coughed "NERD!!!" And laughed which caused all of us to laugh, but it ended quickly went when we see Peter come up to us. "What do you want?" I snarled, he gulped. "Proffeser Dumbledor would like to see you." I nodded said good bye the boys and headed to his office. When I arrived at his office we went over the plan again and left to Hogsmeade so we could appertate to Diagon Ally. When we arrived I had already been under the invisibility cloak and Dumbledor had already taken the poly juice. It was simple enough to get it, I used Putere and got us in quicker. We arrived at the vault got in grabed the book got out and we where almost out of the door of Gringotts when we got stopped. "Imposter how dare you steal from the Malfoy vault!" I looked and realized the poly juice was fading and Dumbledor looked more like himself. He looked at me grabbed my arm and rushed me out to an apperation point and appperated us to a town and then  apperating us around to lose our pursuers. Finally after several small towns we arrived back in Dumbledores office. "Now them my dear would you like to or shall I?" He asked setting the diary down and pulling out the sword. "I will I have destroyed horcruxes before." He nodded and wordlessly handed me the sword allowing me to finish off one of the horrid pieces of Voldemort's soul. And so I did. I quickly stabbed the center of the diary watching as it spilled black ink like Harry said it did. "Now then is it destroyed?" Dumbledore asked looking at me over his half moon spectacle's. I nodded "Good then my dear you are free to leave and since it late and you have had a long day why don't you retire?" I nodded "Good bye Proffeser." He waved, turned and picked up the book. I left walking to the dorm and falling into a painful nightmare filled sleep.

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