Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: The Cave

A week after Mione's mental breakdown, Dumbledore finally decided she was stable enough to continue the hunt. So at noon she left, lunch early, kissing Remus and waving goodbye to the others. Heading to the front of the school where the two of them would meet up and apperate to the cave where the locket is. Of course when her Harry and Dumbledore had gone the locket was a fake and it had led to Dumbledore's death at Sev's hand. Shaking out of her past she met up with Dumbledore and they were off. Reaching the cave Mione cut her hand and put it on the wall before Dumbledore even moved. "Hermione  my dear?" She looked at him, meeting his gaze with a strong look. "You are my professor and  your job is to teach, I am a student from the future my job is to help get rid of Voldemort before he ruins anymore lives." She spun on her heals, and walked in leaving him gaping like a fish. Slowly he smiled and followed her in, this girl had the oldest soul out there, and boy was she powerful too. Getting to the edge of the water, Dumbledore pulled out his wand and summoned  the small vessel that was to take them across. Of course Mione got in first, but anyone could tell she was afraid, she had heard the story of the Inferi that had crawled out of the murky water.  As they crossed she was tense, watching the water for any signs of the monsters that lurked within it. Reaching the small rock in the center, Dumbledore pulled out a glass and looked at Mione. "You must make me drink all of it my dear, it has to be empty for us to safely remove the locket. Now this was the hard part, giving her friend poison. She looked tormented, "I understand professor." She stood by as he drank some of it until he collapsed, "Hermione you must keep giving it to me." So she did, slowly she gave the professor poison. Tears streamed down her face as she went, she hated herself. After a while the basin was empty, and it was time to leave. Quickly getting Dumbledore out of the cave and to where she could apperate. She apperated to the hospital wing where Slughorn and Madam Poppy were waiting. Setting him on the bed she whispered softly, barely heard. "Will he be alright?" Poppy turned and saw the pale witch, "Of course he will dear. Now come lets get you settled in this bed here deary." She lead Mione over to the bed right next to Dumbledore's, wordlessly handing her a dreamless sleep, letting the girl drink it when she wished. After an hour he was stable and Slughorn had left, that is when Mione took the dreamless sleep, letting the dark veil take her silently. She had not slept this good in months.

Morning rolled around to Mione being woken by Poppy, "Come now dear its time for breakfast, you wouldn't wish to worry Remus." Mione blushed, it seemed all the teachers where talking of her and Remus's relationship.  At one point it was funny, mostly when they saw teachers passing money back and forth as they walked around one weekend holding hands. Though after the comments and aw's continuing for this long it did it agitating, both of them agreed. Nodding she thanked Poppy and headed to her dorm to change into fresh clothes, thanking that it was the weekend and most people were no up at this hour. Reaching the fat lady she said the password and stepped in, almost screaming when she saw Remus, James, Sirius, Sev, Fenrir and Lucius all sleeping in the common room, spread out on the furniture. Chuckling she walked past them to her dorm to change. Coming back down she saw them all starting to stir, most likely due to the squeaky stairs. "Mione it that you?" James asked as he rubbed his eyes, Mione chuckled softly at how cute all of them were being. "Yes its me guys." That got all of them up and tackling her in a group hug. "You never came back last night, we thought maybe you were with the Slytherins but you weren't. We panicked!" Sirius said as he squeezed me, she patted his back. Catching Remus's eyes she smiled and pushed Sirius off her. "Hey Mione." He gave her his lopsided grin, she couldnt resist, she kissed him full on the mouth in front of them. She heard them all groan and one of them gave a tiny scream. "The horror!!" Fenrir shouted "My poor Lil Snack attacked by some one so horrid!" He feigned passing out, "Oh shut it Fenrir, Mudblood is happy." Lucius said as he elbowed Fenrir. Mione grinned, "Alright you guys go get dressed and Ill see you all in the Great Hall." They all nodded or said okay and scrammed off. She smiled, she had made her own little family. Turning to the door she slowly walked to the Great Hall taking her time as she did. To think she had two more to destroy and then she would be going back to her time. Would she have her memories of everything still? How old would she be when she returned? She had so many questions but no way to get answers, most people did not travel far in time usually only a few hours, but she traveled years back. It terrified her, what would she do if she did loose all her memories and they remembered her? Most important question, how would it work out with her and Remus? She had a slight crush on him when he was a professor at Hogwarts and she was still fond of him when they were apart of the Order. Shacking her head she tried to clear her thoughts, she couldn't worry any of her friends anymore this year, hell she couldn't worry them the rest of the time she was here. Mione knew though when it was time for her to leave she needed to tell them the truth. Both her and Dumbledore have a feeling she will be whisked back to her own time when she destroyed the last horcrux. She sat where she usually sat and in front of her appeared her usual breakfast. After a couple minutes, still deep in gthought the boys arrived, looking up and smiling she greeted them. Mione thought to herself, 'I will enjoy what time I have left with them.'    

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