Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: First Hogsmeade Trip and Mapmaking?

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to SarahHart320 for being a great friend and amazing supporter!!

It's October and our first trip to Hogsmeade was today. I wasn't really planing on going in case Dumbledore wanted to speak with me. "Mione you coming Ma P signed your permission slip!" Sirius said as he jumped down in front of me with James, Remus and Peter behind him all waiting for my answer. "I don't know guys I have......" I stopped I couldn't think of an excuse. "See so your coming!" James pulled me off the couch and Remus stood on the other side of me to make sure I don't escape. "Come on Mione its not that bad." Remus whispered in my ear as Sirius led the way to Hogsmeade. "So Mione we still have a week till the first quidditch game, you sure you don't want to join?" I smiled "No I won't join but I'll watch you boys win." Sirius turned around slightly and smiled "With you there we'll always win!" I giggled 'so maybe this wasn't a bad idea'. We walked down to the Three Broom Sticks and ordered a butter beer and chatted away. "So Mione any boys catch your attention yet?" I looked at Peter who asked the question "Umm... No no boys..." 'I've been to busy trying to work with Dumbledore to kill Voldemort' I couldn't really tell them that. "That's good I mean I don't want to have to bust any boys ass cuz they hurt you Mione." James said with Remus nodding to agree with him. "The only boys that I have in my life are sitting at this table." All but Peter smiled at me. "So James got any girls on your mind?" I asked before Peter could say something else and me punch him. "Well there is this girl named Lily she hangs out with Molly. I'm sure you know her?" I smiled this was perfect!! "Yes I know Lily she a great gal. Hey I have and idea...." I stopped 'maybe I can get them to start working on the map they made'. "Well don't leave us hanging Mione tell us about it." Sirius said all but jumping with excitement, I giggled at his antics. "Okay so how about we make a map of the school? Only we can see it," I held up my hand to silence James who was about to say something "But not just an ordinary map it can show where other people are at in the map, think you boys could pull pranks and avoid getting close to being caught!" They boy looked in thought and then James nodded "Alright how do you suppose we do this then Mione?" I grinned "First the library we ganna need a basic lay out of the school and I'm sure we'll fine one there. Next common room so we can get started on it." James grinned and stood up "Come on this will be fun!" We fallowed James back to the castle and to the library where we started out search for finding a basic layout. "Hey Mione! I think I found something!" I heard Remus whisper yell. We all rushed over to the table he was now sitting at. I smiled when I saw it, the basic lay out of Hogwarts. "Perfect!" Sirius started walking towards the front "Common room?" We fallowed after I checked out the book. When we arrived I quickly went and grabbed some parchment. "Choose a section and start thinking if a perfect time for us to go and check it out for more detailed information and other secret hallways." James fake gasped in shock "What have you done with my sweet innocent little sister?" I giggled "She met the Marauders." Again all but Peter smiled at me. 'I wonder what his problem is? Oh wait he is a death eater'. We talked and decided we would try and do the half of the dungeon tonight and the rest tomorrow. "Okay you boys can set out I'll start finding charms we can add to it so only we can see it, and the whole knowing where people are in the map." Peter nodded and looked at me with suspicion, I smiled back at him. "Of course Mione you are the smartest person we know beside Remus but he looks like he wants to join us under the cloak." Remus nodded his agreement "Alright its settled I'll stay and look at charms and you scout out the floor and bring back what you know so we can start this thing!" The boys left and I sat for several hours trying to find the perfect charms and how I can perform them. After 3hours of searching I found a concealment charm where we say what we want and we can see it then we can say something else to hide it from any one else. In this case I know exactly what we'll say since I saw Harry use the map.. 'Harry god how I missed him and Ron and Ginny all of the Wesley's even my own parents. I guess I have be so busy in this I just forgot them'. I let out a sob and collapsed on the couch crying silently into the pillow there. I don't know how long I cried or when I fell asleep but I was being shaken awake by Lily. "Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office." I nodded and slowly made my way to the headmaster office. I entered after getting the okay to. "Ms. Potter I would like to talk to you about what was able to destroy the horcruxes." I nodded and stood up straighter "Well we used the sword of Griffendore and a basilisk fang." He nodded and rubbed his beard. "I shall head to my vault and retrieve it. Tomorrow we shall go hunting for the first one I believe it is the diary in the Malfoys vault." I nodded "Yes sir." He nodded and rubbed his beard again. "You are dismissed but I will need you to return at 11 tomorrow so we can get started on this." I nodded again "Thank you professor." I left and all but rushed to the common room. 'Finally we gat get rid of the evil man once and for all!' When I got to the common room the boys still weren't back but that didn't matter.

Important A/N!!!!!! I will be having slow updates because school and life get in my way. And I need to have you peoples my readers tell me what you think or I might not continue to write a story no one likes so yeah comment and vote please!!!

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