Chapter 9

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Dedicated to SarahHart320
A/N Sorry for being absent! To make it up I have two chapters for you!!

Chapter 9: Christmas Morning!!!!!!

I woke up bright and early. 'I can't wait for every one to open there presents!!' I quickly got and got dressed checking the time seeing it's my usual 7am wake up. I slowly crept out if my room and down to the living room where we had set up the tree and I put down Sirius, James, Peter and Remus's gift since I knew they would try and get into them. I stood up and smiled, I had sent off Severus's yesterday knowing he would around now and I had put Ma P's and Pops under the tree yesterday. I smiled as I heard the stampede of boys is the ran down the stairs. Ma P said it was usual for the boys to stay here Christmas night and then leave around noon to be with there family's. I smiled and moved out if the way of my new brothers "Morning Mione!" James shouted as he practically jumped me into a hug. I chuckled and gave him a hug back, "Alright kids let's go eat breakfast then we can open the presents." The boys ran to the kitchen and I just chuckled fallowing behind Ma P and Pops. We say down and ate a wonderful meal of all sorts of breakfast items. I couldn't keep the smile off my face, I don't think I have been this happy since I came back to this time zone. We had a delicious meal and we all piled back into the living room ready for the opening time. We had piled all of our presents in front of us when a knock on the window sounded, "I got it!" I said jumping up knowing it was my gift from Severus. I opened the window and saw his all black owl there holding a package, I grinned grabbing the package and giving the owl a treat, I sat back down to see James scowling at me. I smiled sweetly at him, "Okay let's open these gifts. Remus go first." He grinned at me as he picked up my gift to him he slowly opened it, he grinned wider and held it up. It was the new addition 'Magical Creatures and There Origin' "Thanks Mione," I just smiled and nodded. "Me next!!!" Sirius screamed as he dug into my gift for him, he smiled at me and put it up for us to see, it was a book called 'Quidditch Tricks That Make You Win'. He grinned wider and tackled me in a hug "Thanks Mione!!" I nodded and hugged him back. "My turn Peter said opening my gift to him I could tell he faked a smile and held it up for the others to see "Thanks Mione." I nodded "My turn now!" James ripped open my gift to him. Just like his best friend Sirius he tackled me in a hug dropping his gift for the others to see "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!" I just checked and hugged him back. I grinned "I guess it's my turn." I picked up the one from Remus and open it slowly, I smiled it was the same book I got him. I smiled "Thanks Remus I love it!" He nodded at me smiling sheepishly, next Ma P opened my gift to her. She had tears in her eyes "You see me that way?" I nodded "Of course I see you as my mother Ma P." She pulled me into her famous bone crunching hug. Pops then opened my gift to him which was the silver watch, I could tell he loved it. We had finished opening all of our gifts around 10. I had gotten a book 'Potions' from James, Peter got me a bag of candy, Sirius got me a bracket that had a book charm on it and you could add more to it, Ma P and Pops got me a wand charm that I could put on my new bracket and last from Severus he got me a bracket that said 'Better than a book' I had smiled widely when I saw it. It was sweet. The boys all got new quidditch gear and were now playing with them out back as I was sitting and writing a thank you letter to Severus when I had just finished and was about to go to the owlry when I saw Severus owl return with a letter attached to it. I jumped up and let it in takin the letter and giving it a treat. 'Dear Hermione thanks for the snake ring I love it and I hope you love yours for I put a lot of thought into.
From your Slytherin friend
Severus Snape
I grinned and attached my letter to the owls leg and sent it off. 'I am so happy he likes the ring!!!' I fist pumped and grinned I had put a lot of thought and had to order his ring. (His ring↓↓↓)

I was brought out of my thoughts by James barging into my room "Why do you keep owling that nerd?!?" I stood up and pushed him to the wall

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I was brought out of my thoughts by James barging into my room "Why do you keep owling that nerd?!?" I stood up and pushed him to the wall. "What did you call Severus?" I practically screamed causing the others to come up and see the commotion. "I called him a nerd and a weirdo plus he is a Slytherin! How can you hang with him?!?!" I pulled back hurt "Because he is my friend and unlike you he isn't egotistical and selfish!" I shoved past every one running out side, to under the tree where they had found me. I fell down in a heap and cried my eyes out for the loss of my friends of my old life. For the war and everything I just couldn't hold back the tears anymore and I didn't even try I just let them poor. I didn't know how long I was sitting there crying when I felt someone come up and sit next to me. "I don't even want to here you try to apologize James just leave me alone..." I sniffed and heard a small chuckle as I was embraced in a hug. "I'm not James and he doesn't even want to apologize at this moment but he will get over himself." I looked up and smiled it was Sirius. I smiled slightly at him and leaned in returning his hug. "Though I am sorry for his behavior." I sighed and pulled away,'You have nothing to be sorry for it wasn't you who pissed me off." He smiled a slightly sad smile "Well 5 days more and you really don't have to see him anymore. I mean James can be a pain but he still is my brother so I will apologize for him. And no buts missy." He said and grinned, I just chuckled at him. We spent the next hour till he had to leave for his own family Christmas talking. I had just made it back inside after saying goodbye to Remus and Sirius when James tried to confront me. "Listen Mione I'm just---" I cut him off "I don't wanna hear it he is my friend and if you cant accept it then leave me alone!" I shoved past him again and went up to my room for the rest of the night not even coming down for dinner.

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