Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Sharing the Revelation

The rest of the day was spent play qudditch between the friends. Remus was as always the ref, and well what ever team Mione was on won. "That was rigged!!" Sirius cried as they walked back to the school for dinner. "I have to agree that was very unlike you Remus." Fenrir commented and Remus just grinned "At least every one at least once." Mione replied looking back at the pouting boys. "We only won when we had you on the team! Remus was making it so the other team wouldn't win." James muttered, the rest of the walk was filled with playful bickering and banter. Reaching the door Mione speaks "Wanna eat dinner in the ROR? I could get the house elves to bring us some food." She stopped and looked at them, Sev was the one to answer. "That sounds like a good idea. We can spend the night there too, we dont have school tomorrow either." The others voice their agreement "We will meet you in the room with food and cloths for us all." Remus said as he took Miones hand and led her to the kitchen. "You seem troubled, whats wrong?" He nudged her slightly with his shoulder. "Well I realized something when I destroyed that last one......" Mione trailed off, she looked terrified again "You dont have to tell me Mione, I just want to know if you are okay." She nodded "Slightly troubled but I don't know how to tell you guys yet." He hummed in agreement, reaching the kitchen they ask the house elves about bringing dinner to the ROR and some of every ones close. Of course they agree, they adore Mione she has always been kind to them. Thanking them for their help, they start heading towards the ROR. Getting there and walking in they see that the room had kind of a lounge area around a fire place and then a few beds. The food was at the table in the lounge and the others where already eating. Sitting down they join in the conversation, and the meal. "So guys, hows your relationship going?" James asked as he wiggled his eyebrows like a weirdo. We laugh at his pathetic attempt, "Actually James, dating your sister is perfect. I can cuddle her while reading, she's easy to talk to plus the snogging is great." Remus has a cocky little smirk on his face as he looks James in the eyes. He turns red as Remus finishes, the Slytherin boys and Moine laughed as Remus tried to keep a straight face. "Thats my sister!!" James shouts and Sirius just has a horrified look on his face. "What Siri, cat got your tongue?" He looks at Lucius "I have seen their definition of snogging its awful." James makes a shout noize and Remus finally laughs "You guys are to easy to mess with. And Siri you only every saw me and Mione snog once." All but Mione and Remus looked slightly grossed/horrified. "Trust me its for the best we keep the PDA away from you guys. For one we would never hear the end of the jokes and second you guys look awful." Mione said as she leaned her head against Remus shoulder. "Of course we look awful are best friend or sister is dating and snogging! Its horrid!" Fenrir shouted as he threw his hands in the air in exasperation and leaned back. "Topic change! So James how is chasing Lily?" Sirius asked causing James to get a love sick puppy face. "She still keeps denying that she likes me but I can understand all of the girls are all over me. She's just jealous." Mine looks at him "No she's not. You just keep scaring her away." He gaped like a fish while the others laughed. "How am I scaring her away? Explain." Mione shook her head "Well for one she is a good student and follows the rules, while you are a prankster mess you has a strong disregard for the rules." She stated matter of factly. Sev nodded "She has a point I am friends with her and Lily is put off by you behavior thinking she'll just be one of your flings." Remus was the one to add on now "So maybe clean up your act some if you really want her. Stop flirting with every girl, limit your pranks, me and Mione can even help you in your classes." Mione nodded and chimed in "It won't hurt to try it might even shock some people enough to make them act weird to get a rise out of you. In my opinion that is more fun." He nodded a serious look on his face as he thought about what the others had said. The light conversation went for a few minutes before Fenrir brought it up "So what was it that needed us to be eating here Lil Snack?" She shifted slightly as everyone's gaze turned to her. "She doesn't have to say anything if she doesn't want to." Of course Remus came to her rescue, she put a hand on his shoulder as he got into a defense pose. "It's alright, I have been thinking about how to word it." She got quite and had a concentrated look on her face. "You guys know how I'm destroying Holcrux's right? Well the other day when I destroyed one I came to a realization....." She trailed off, clutching her eyes closed. They remind silent wanting to know what she was going to say. "Well I am afraid that I may not make it back to my own time because believe I have to kill Voldemort before I can go. You know, right all wrongs?" The others looked horrified all but Remus his face went blank and he went still. "How many more do you have to destroy?" He asked, she gulped and whispered "One." That was all it took he stormed off leaving a sobbing broken hearted girl behind him.

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