Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Last Two and Truths

Mione smiled slightly, it was the weekend and she had no plans. At least none she was aware of. Towards the end of breakfast a first-year student came up to her, informing her Dumbledore would like to speak with her. Saying her goodbyes to the boys, she headed to his office. Reaching the office she walked in with out knocking. "You wishes to see me?" He turned and nodded. "Yes. I believe it is time for you to inform your friends of your predictment..... You only have two more Holcrux's left to hunt and I plan to have them destroyed quite soon." He looked at her emotionless, he knew it would be hard on her, she was still healing, but it needed to be done. She looked at him like he had lost his mind, in truth he had long ago. "Are you sure this would be wise professor? I mean cant it wait? I don't want to loose them." He nodded in understanding. "You can have Ma P and Pops if you wish." She shook her head. "I can manage, when do you wish me to complete this?" He turned away for a moment. "Tomorrow, before we retrieve the diadiam. You do know how to access that room? I got confirmation it was still there but not in the same location it was." She nodded "Yes I know professor. Is that all you require?" He nodded and dismissed her. She left, terrified, fears running through her mind. How could she tell them? She had no clue and not knowing scared her definitely when it comes to friends. Thinking of all the possible senarios that her mind could come up with, good and bad, she didn't realize she had made it to the ROR. Thinking of a place to get away she paced but the door never opened. She figured someone was occupying it, so she turned and went to head to the astronomy tower. Hearing the door starting to form she bolted, not wanting to face anyone no matter who they were. She spent most of her time that day just thinking and crying. She was afraid that they would not accept her, that they would shun her. Or worse she would tear their friendship apart making them rivals again. By the time she noticed it was late, the others had already found her. "Mione, love what's wrong?" She turned to her friends, her family. "Lil Snack you missed lunch and dinner so I brought you some food." Truth be told she wasn't hungry but it was a sweet gesture. "Thanks Fenrir." He smiled "It was Sev's idea, we just picked out the food Mudblood." She nodded "You never answered Remus. Mione what's wrong?" James asked as he approached her slowly like she was a kicked puppy. She turned around to look back out at the stars. "I promise I will tell you everything tomorrow after breakfast in the ROR." She would, Dumbledore wasn't giving her much of a choice. "That's good enough for me Mione." Sev said as the others slowly nodded. Soon we were all walking to the ROR to spend the night there. James was the one who paced and we were gladly let in. Five beds and two hammocks were in the room along with a fire place and a lounge space around it. "This is nice James, didn't know you had it in you." Lucius said as he smiled and walked to a couch. "Actually I think the room was listing to all of our thoughts and ideas." Mione smiled "Well at least it's smart, I'm sure you barely thought about a room at all." James looked horrified and the others couldn't contain themselves. The rest of the night was peaceful.

*Next Morning*

Mione of course woke before the others and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. Getting there she sat in her usual seat and slowly started to eat her food. She had a twisting feeling in her stomach, like she was going to be sick. Looking up she made eye contact with Dumbledore and he nodded. Sighing she looked back down. She was afraid that they would hate her, hell she had nightmares about it last night. She stopped eating and just pushed her food around her plate as she stared off, getting lost in negativity. "Hey Mione you didn't eat all of the food now did you?" Sirius asked as he sat down next her, the others following suit. "No I didn't eat all of the food you guys showed up before I could." They smiled and every one started eating. The other students had gotten use to the odd house unity  sitting at each others tables so no one bat an eye when Sev, Lucius and Fenrir sat down at the table. "So Lil Snack whats today's plans? I was thinking maybe we could play Qudditch this afternoon 3v3 since Remus doesn't play he can be our ref if he wants." Remus nodded "That sounds good to me." James practically squealed "It has been FOREVER since we played together Mione, and since we have played against the Slytherins." She smiled "How about 2? I should be done with what the headmaster wants me for." They nodded, to soon breakfast was over and the group was making their way back to the ROR. On the way out Mione caught Dumbledore's gaze and he gave her a reassuring smile. The walk was tense, the boys were trying to act like normal but Mione couldn't, she was too scared. When they reached there all but Mione and Remus headed in. "What you tell us Mione wont change my mind about how I fell or how any of the others feel. Your family to them and you are my perfect girlfriend." He pulled her close and kissed her like it was the last time he was going to be able to. She was left breathless but smiling, "I know Remus but I am nervous. Lets get this done with." They walked in hand in hand, sitting on the love seat that was provided with Remus she closed her eyes and began to retell her tale. "I had made the spell to help us in case we got cornered by death eaters. I did get cornered so I used the spell, coming back to this time, landing in your yard James, where you found me. When I leave with Dumbledore its because I am hunting down Horcruxes." She of course didn't tell them much about who they were and what happened to them, she didn't want to mess up time any more then she already was.  

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