Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Heart Broken 

Not even a minute after Remus ran out the room kicked the rest of the boys and their stuff out.  Leaving Mione crying her eyes out she never thought he would react like that, it hurt. Slowly she calmed enough to think straight all she had left was one horcrux and then challenging Voldemort. She knew the others would be mad at her and so would Dumbledore but she had to do it. Standing up she composed her self and asked Hogwarts one last favor, allowing her to leave school grounds with out being noticed. The castle complied sending out its magic to create a hallway leading directly from the ROR to the Shrinking Shack. Mione summoned her 'have everything' bag and followed down the dark path making a decision she could not change. Reaching the end of the tunnel she stepped out into the shack only pausing to take a potion then apperating to Diagon Alley. She arrived hidden in the shadows slowly following them up to the door of Gringots. Taking a steadying breath Mione pushed open the doors and headed in side. It was practically empty due to the fact it was now early morning. Moving forward she found the spot she was looking for and pulled out her wand slowly using the  impouruscurse to control the goblin getting it to take her down to the most secured vaults. Mione knew though that as soon as she reached the water fall she would need to ditch the goblin and move on her own. They were moving incredibly fast and steadily reaching the falls, she took a breath and pulled the emergency brake. They stopped mere inches from the fall, she slowly stood and got onto the track walking under the falls and reversing her spell on the goblin. The last thing she saw was a look of pure confusion and horror on the goblins face, for being robbed a second time. She fell staying silent but angling her body so that the spell would work. Casting it Mione freezing close to the floor, quickly she got up and moved heading down the hall towards the Lestrange Vault. Reaching the dragon she grabbed the shaker and shook it violently keeping an eye on the hurt beast. Finally she got to where she could set it down running down the rest of the hall to avoid the dragon fire that came in the silence. Reaching the Lestrange vault she put her wand against it and muttered violently in Latin knowing she only had about 3 minutes that the door would stay open. Quickly but carefully she moved to the back were the Hufflepuff cup was sitting, she snatched it up and moved towards the door. Mione had hit something and replication of the item started occurring. Panicked now she ran hitting more things leaving the vault multiplying. Quickly she ran back towards the dragon putting up a protective spell up at the sound of voices. Reaching the vast chamber while staying hidden she blasted off the dragons chains, startling the poor men trying to stop her. With the distraction she was able to get past them and back the the carts they left. She sent the other carts up first before quickly cursing a goblin and making him use the cart to get back up, taking off the spell before the fall then knocking him out. Reaching the top Mione found panic between civilians, goblins and ministry officials. They saw her and she ran for the door casting a single but powerful a stun spell teat allowed her a chance. She quickly made it to a shadowed area before she apperated back to the shake. Mione sat on the broken furniture calming her breath preparing to summon the Dark Lord.She pulled out the sword and set the cup an the ground. Using what parsletounge Harry had taught her she activated it hoping Voldemort would come. She stabbed through it shattering the metal, and releasing an angry pained scream. Standing she slowly made her way out, as she got closer to Hogsmead she heard shouts, shouts of her name. "Hermione!!" She looked foward and say her boys and a few of her other classmates and the professors. "Lil Snack!" Fenrir was the fist to see her but he never reached her for a loud explosion went off and black masses of Death Eaters appeared. She pulled out her wand and started attackiing before most had recovered. Of course she reacted quick, Mione was war hardened and ready for the attack. Soon other people in the area joined the defense, she caught a glimpse of him and called out his name, directly challenging him. "TOM RIDDLE!!" He spun and when he saw a young girl pointing her wand at him, he laughed. Silence ensued "You think you can challenge me and win?" Before anyone could react she sent a series of spells at him. With a startled look he was force to play defense as she unleashed years worth of anger and fury. "I know I will win because I have something you do not." (a nose) She paused and hit him square in the chest with Confingo blasting him back. Of course all were stunned. "I have a family, not just through blood but the experiences we share and our love for one another. I have a heart filled with compassion that allows me to understand and see the world truly. I am not filled with a poisonous hatred for all those who are of one based off a bad past." She had slowly been advancing on him as he scrambled to try to get, other Death Eaters getting in his way. "You insolent child how dare you!" Voldemort spat as he finally stood and tried to cast a spell but Mione was faster. She always had been in a duel. "Avada Kadavra" a blinding green light shot out of her wand as she put an end to a monstrous man. She looked at her freinds and new found family smiling before she vanished.

The End

Or is it?                            

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