Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Train Ride Home and Summer!

I feel so relieved now that the exams are over. It was the last day of school and we leave for the train soon. Right now I'm sitting under a tree by the Black Lake with my Slytherin friends talking about are plans for the summer. Of course I hope that I'll be able to destroy another Horcrux and get things righted again. I sighed and looked over the lake completely lost in my thoughts not even realizing all of my friends standing around me trying to get my attention until I felt my self being shook rather harshly. I look up and say the look of concern on all my friends faces "Whats wrong?" They looked relived but still concerned James spoke first "We have been calling your name for a few minutes but the Slytherin's have been calling your name for like 15 minutes. Sooo....." They huddled around me like I was about to reveal a big secret "Lil Snack?What were you thinking about?" I sighed I couldn't really tell them the truth well at least not all of it. "Well I'm just relived that summer is here and exams are over." I said sighing and looking back over the lake "Mione are you alright?" Sirius asked as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I sighed again "Listen its just something I cant tell you guys about now but I promise I will tell you whats going on as soon as I can." They looked confused before Lucius spoke "We trust you Hermione and if you want to wait to tell us we will wait." I smiled this was my friends and the right way to head. I shook my head of my depressing thoughts and smiled at them "Shouldn't we get going to get our stuff ready to head out for the summer?" They looked shocked at the time and gave their agreements taking off to the common rooms we belonged to. I smiled as I fallowed my Marauders back to the common room to make sure we have everything.


We all got on the train and I told my Gryffindor friends I'd see them at the station as I left to find my Slytherin companions. It took about 2 minutes before I heard "Mudblood! We are back here!" I smiled and turned around to see Lucius sticking his head out of a compartment. I walked over to him as other students gave me weird looks for answering to mudblood. I got in the compartment and sat down across from Fenrir and Lucius and next to Severus "Not sitting with the to ass hole friends of yours Lil Snack?" I sighed at the term he used "No I'm sitting with them I have to be stuck with them most of the summer so I chose to sit with you though if you want me to leave I will." I said standing up "No! No that's not what I meant! I just figured since that Potter boy doesn't like us you would stay with him like that Lily bitch did." I burst out laughing at what he called Lily "I am nothing like Lily nor will I ever be beside James has no control over my life." They laughed but Severus looked pained 'That's right he likes Lily' I sighed and looked out the window Severus memories of him loving Lily and begging Voldermort to spare her. I looked back at the boys to find they were looking at me with those concerned faces again "Guys I promise I'm fine." I tried to smile reassuringly and I guessed it worked because they stopped looking at me like that and started talking about how we would all have to meet up over the summer, I of course I had to put my two cents in every now and then and push away my depressing thoughts away. We talked about our summer plans again and of course Quidditch the entire ride. We arrived at the station and said our goodbyes with promises of writing to each other and I set off to find Ma P and Pops. After a few minutes of looking I found them standing off to the side looking for us kids 'Looks like I'm the first to arrive' I smiled and ran up to them "Hi Ma P! Hi Pops!" They turned to look at me and smiled as Ma P embraced me in her motherly hugs. "Oh I'm so happy to see you my dear!" I smiled at her as she pulled back and let Pops hug me "Its good to see you Mione, you have no idea how much the two of us have worried about you." 'That's right they know that me and Dumbledore are hunting the horcruxes' I smiled at them "I am fine Dumbledore wouldn't put me in any harm." We turned around when we heard "Why would Dumbledore put you in any dangerous situation?" I sighed at seeing James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter standing there. "Its about what I promised to tell you when i could." They seemed to agree with that, well all but Peter. "Alright kids lets get you home and fed." Pops said as we walked to the floo system and flood home. We sat in a comfortable silence at dinner and we split up after it. The boys out to the Qudditch pitch Ma P, Pops, and I walked up to Pops study. when we were all settled in Ma P asked "You wearn't hurt in any way? Were they destroyed? How many did you destroy?" I chuckled "No I wasn't hurt, yes we destroyed one of them. Though I wished we had destroyed more than that." They shared a look "You might be destroying one this summer, Dumbledore asked us permission to take you for a few days sometime in the middle of the summer." Pops said as he tried to comfort Ma P. I nodded "Did you give him permission?" Ma P let out a wail as Pops nodded "We understand that this is why you came back, to make peace but in the little time you have been here you have become a daughter to us and that wont ever change." I smiled and jumped form the chair I was sitting in to hug them both. "And I can say that you have become my parents.

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