Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: At Home And More Shopping

I sighed as I tired to find Ma P and Pops in the crowded station. "Mione! Over here!" I spun around and saw Sirius waving his hands like a mad person and people giving him some looks. "Calm down I am right here. Now where are the others at?" he smiled "They left to the floo already and told me to wait for you and bring you home." he puffed out his chest in pride and i giggled. I couldn't help it he was acting so cute and then he pouted making me laugh even more as he looked even cuter.... ' Cuter? No we are like siblings. They are all like that to me but Peter. Right?' I stopped laughing as I processed what I had just called him. "Um.. Mione? Are you okay? You were laughing and now you not.." I smiled and nodded "Yeah just lost in thought about the break and..." I stopped myself. They are defiantly not ready to know about what I have been through and I plan to keep it that way 'for now. What no not just for now..' I sighed "Come on we cant keep the others waiting. Race you to the floo room!" I shouted and took off. Of course me having the head start won and I beat him home, surprising the poor house elf that was cleaning the mess up from the last floo in. I giggled as Sirius fell in behind me "Sorry for making more of a mess for you." He smiled at me "Its no problem Miss, Edger lives to serve the Potter family and he does so happily!" I smiled "I am glad you do, I like having friends like you around." He smiled and went back to cleaning up the mess as I left to go to the field behind the house that we made into a make shift quidditch pitch. I sat down on the edge of it just enjoying the warm sun on my face and the gentle breeze that embraced me. Then it struck me like getting smacked in the face 'that's exactly what I'll get Sirius!' I stood up and rushed back inside past James and Sirius who were carrying their brooms. 'Now I just need to find something for Severus' I ran right to Ma P "Hey Ma P do you think you can take me to Diagon Ally soon? I still have two more gifts I have to get!" She chuckled and smiled down at me in a motherly way "Of course dear maybe tomorrow night me and you can go." I grinned and squealed "Thanks Ma P!" And I ran off to the library where I knew Remus would be so I could ask him about what he thinks about Sirius gift. I had spent the past half hour looking for Remus and I still couldn't find him. I sighed and just about gave up when he just popped right out in front of me making me jump about a foot in the air. "Jesus Remus Lupin! What is wrong with you!" He smiled at me sheepishly "I was told by the house elf's that you were looking for me." I sighed and ran my hand through my unruly hair "Yes I have an idea for what to get Sirius for Christmas!" I grabbed him and dragged him up to my room where I shoved him in my bed and sat down next to him telling him what I thought would be a good gift to give to Sirius and asking for help about Severus's.
I woke up bright and early so I could go to Diagon Ally with Ma P this morning. I rushed through my morning routine and rushed down stairs to get a quick breakfast. I almost ran into Pops "Slow down there speedy Ma P said you two won't leave till around 11 and be back before lunch so no need to rush." He smiled down at me chuckling and ruffled my hair walking back to his office. I sighed it was only 7. I still had four hours to wait! I sighed again and this time walked slowly to the kitchen to get and apple and go up to the library. I had just sat down in the library when the boys ran in. "Come in Mione let's go play a round of quidditch before you and Ma P run off!" James said as he dragged me out to the pitch. We played well all but Remus played quidditch for the next three hours till Ma P came and told me to get ready for our hour of shopping. I finished and was ready by 10:55 waiting for Ma P to get here. "Alright deary let's get going and remember speak clearly." I nodded and took a hand full of floo powder and called out "Diagon Ally!" Landing in the Leaky Cauldron I rushed out into the crowd of people and went into the stores that were where I needed to get Sirius gift and then I spun around and rushed Severus gift ordered before it was all sold out. I finished with paying and all that jazz when Ma P came to me. "What do you think you are doing running off like that?!?!?? I was worried sick!" She pulled me to here and searched me over for and marks. I smiled 'she's an amazing mother better than my own sometimes' "I am fine Ma P just super excited about what I got for my last two present receivers." She smiled kindly at me and nodded "That's fine just don't run off like that again. I know you have been through a lot and are older in your own time but now you are my only daughter and still a child to me and always will be to me." I had teared up and so had Ma P I nodded and hugged her. She smiled and wiped a few tears that fell out of her eyes "Alright let's get back home and get those wrapped." I nodded and fallowed her back to the Leaky Cauldron where we flooed back home.

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