Wattpad can suck my emo dick

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so wattpad deleted the book



im so sad

you guys had the best comments

and you all voted

fucking hell

i'm so pissed

wattpad is such a c*nt

i'm australian i can say that dw bro

please actually share it to get all the votes back

i'm gonna cry

"Hold still" I groan, gripping tighter on Billie's hair.

"It burns!" He whines

"That's because its hair dye, dumbass" I continue to massage the goo into his hair.

Billie huffs, crossing his arms over his chest like a child. I don't understand why he keeps dying his hair if he's going to complain all the time. He'd already told me countless times that Hayley hates how we always does it, but Billie being Billie will just keep doing it.

"I'm thinking purple this time... or green!" He had excitedly told me.

"Why don't you dye it black?" I suggested, making Billie nod his head in thought.

"I like it..." He said, rubbing his chin. "You can do it next Friday when you come over!"

"What?! Why do I have to do it?" I protested

"Because you're my bestest friend and you'll do anything for me" Billie batted his eye lashes, gripping onto my shoulders. I couldn't help the smile on my face. When Billie said I was his "bestest friend", it really got to me. God, I really am easy.

"Ok, you're done now" I say, sliding the gloves off my hands and turning around to throw them in the trash behind me. Billie carefully stands up, careful not to get the black dye on any of the bathroom furniture.

The doorbell makes both our head snap up, Billie immediately turning to me.

"Its your turn" He quickly says.

"No way! I did it last time!" I argue.

"Yeah, but I can't answer the door with this shit in my hair" He points to the black ice cream swirl on his head, raising one eyebrow.

"But I can't answer the door with my crippling anxiety!"

"You don't have crippling anxiety, Saph"

"How would you know?" I retaliate.

"You're the most confident person I know!" Billie raises his arms and exits the bathroom.

I groan, following him out to the hallway. Billie fumbles with his wallet, taking out a twenty dollar note and holds it out to me.

"Look, do you want pizza or not?"

I furrow my eyebrows and pout my lips at his extended hand. Would I give in to Billie? My whole life was leading up to this moment. I fucking love pizza. But I fucking hate talking to people. What ever should I do?

"Fine" I seethe, snatching the note out of Billie's hand. Billie laughs, moving out of the way of the stair case. I shoot him my nastiest look before walking down the stairs towards the front door.

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