Well Then

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Sapphires POV

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if things turned out different?" Billie mutters, resting his hands behind his head.

"How different?" I ask, turning to him.

"I don't know, if Hayley and I never got together"

"You'd be wallowing in your self-pity because you would never have gotten with your crush" I joke, smirking at him.

"I'd get over her" He shrugs. "I mean, if your feelings aren't fulfilled, they should just disappear, right?"

"Not exactly" I say, trying my hardest not to seem sad.

"How would you know?"

I stare back up at the dark, cloudless sky as I bite my lip. I hated being half drunk with Billie. It was when all the feelings really came out.
We'd been fucking around all day, I'd been helping him move into the back room. It was all fun and jokes until we cracked open the beer bottles and climbed up onto the roof to star gaze.

Yesterday, Billie had seen Hayley. It kind of became a weekly thing that they would see each other every Thursday. It killed me to be sitting at home after school, thinking about how they were together at this very moment.
What made it worse is that Billie would explain every detail of what they did with a huge grin etched on his face. The way he talked about her made me sick to my stomach.

She didn't deserve him.

"I dunno. I guess if you truly have feelings they'd never leave. You're left thinking about them all the time, and no matter how much they hurt you, you still love them"

"Wow..." Billie whispers, deep in thought. "I don't even know what feelings are anymore"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't know if my feelings are true"

"Is this about Hayley?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I've been thinking about our relationship quite a lot" He says. "And I think we're losing spark"

"What?" My eyes widen. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"She's an amazing girlfriend, don't get me wrong. Real wife material. I just think I found her too early. I want to experience things with other girls, but I don't want to lose Hayley"

I purse my lips together, staring intently at Billie's mouth as the words come out. I didn't understand. How could he possibly be feeling this?

"Ok" I sigh to myself, sitting up. "You have three options"

"I'm listening" Billie copies my actions.

"You take a break, dump her, or cheat on her" I state.

Billie nods his head, taking in what I had just said.

"I don't want to lose her" He softly says, staring straight into my eyes. "But I'm having these... thoughts"

"What kind of thoughts?" My words barely come out, as my heart starts to race.

"Like I think about other people..." Billie looks away, his voice trailing off.


Billie doesn't answer, but continues to stare at the ground. I move closer to him, eager to get the words out of him. I was so confused. This would be the perfect time to tell him his girlfriend is cheating on him, but I couldn't tell him. Over the past few days I could tell he hasn't been himself. He'd been sadder, lower. And he hasn't spoken to anyone about it.

"Billie, who?" I repeat myself, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

"I've been thinking about fucking you" He truthfully states.

My lips curl into a smile in what feels like .3 seconds. My hand slowly falls from his shoulder as if I was in slow motion. I felt like a cliché school girl in a romantic comedy. This was a serious moment, but I couldn't help all the feelings were bubbling out of me. Just fuck me right now Billie.

"Why are you smiling?" Billie asks, his eyes gleaming.

"I think about fucking you too" I admit, a sly smile taking over my features. Billie smirks, taking his dry bottom lip in between his teeth.

"I'm glad we got that sorted" He simply says before lying back down on his back.

I stare at him, my mouth half open in a grin. What was happening? Why are we so casual about this? Are we really that comfortable around each other that we can admit something as big as that, and have no awkwardness afterwards.

"So what are we gonna do about it?" I tense up at the question, laying back down.

"I will fuck you one day, Sapphire" He casually says, closing his eyes. I laugh, shaking my head. This was perfect.

Not completely the way Billie would admit some sort of attraction to me, but it was good enough. Now I really had something to use against Hayley. And to think Billie would fuck me, when he can have someone as beautiful as Hayley anytime he wanted. I felt giddy. I just want to jump off this building right now.

I smile up at the sky, the glistening with stars. It was nights like these I had to focus on. It was when I forgot about all the stress from school, my parents my future. I didn't have to worry about the pile of extra maths homework I had due on Monday, or the fact that if I don't complete upcoming exams with a good score I'd probably be murdered by my own mother. If I was going to live happier, and not dwell on the past, these moments should be the most prominent in my mind.

It wasn't entirely the fact that I was with Billie. It was just the sense of freedom I had. Yes, it's amazing to spend time with Billie but being outside, staring up at the enormous sky just did something to me. The whole world slowed down to this moment. It was just Billie and I.

It was kind of pointless going star gazing with Billie, when I'd just be staring at him the whole time.

A/N Sorry for extremely short update. I have writers block, and school has been extremely stressful.

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