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Billies POV

"This party is going to be sick" Mike says, shaking his head.

I grin down at the large amount of alcohol on the floor, the different glass bottles glistening in the sunlight. As an extra celebration for the finish of the album, and the fact that it's going to be released tomorrow, the boys and I decided to throw a party. Of course it would be at their apartment, and of course we were all looking to get everyone up and drunk.

It was Sapphires job to spread the word around, and she was out there now with Hayley and Thalia handing out flyers. We'd thrown great parties in the past, but I have a feeling this one is going to be the best one yet.

"There are gonna be so many hot chicks!" Tre yells with a pelvic thrust.

"I thought you already had a girl" I tease with a smirk.

"Oh yeah" Tre smugly looks back at me. I raise an eyebrow, trying to read his expression as best as I could. Who was this chick that he was banging? I was growing more and more curious, but I can't seem to get it out of him.

"Will she be here tonight?" I ask, circling Tre.

"Why yes she will be" He looks to me with a smile.

"I'll look forward to meeting her"

"I bet you will"

"There is so much sexual tension between you two just have sex already" Mike interrupts, pushing past with a mop and a broom.

"Since when do you clean?" I scoff at Mike, as he leans up the two sticks against the wall.

"Who says I'm cleaning?" He dumbly says.

The three of us look up when the front door opens, and the footsteps and chattering of the three girls comes into ear shot.

"These ones are cleaning" Mike says, throwing a rag to Sapphire.

"What the fuck" She stumbles back, catching it.

"Get to work ladies!" Mike claps his hands. "I want this place spotless!"

"I think you've forgotten who's just been handing out flyers for three fucking hours!" Thalia yells back at him.

"Guys shut the fuck up!" I raise my arms in the air. "We have 6 hours until people start coming. We're like high school musical with less hot people and more cocaine. We're all in this together. Now who's with me?"

I swear I could hear the crickets in the room. The 5 of them stare at me with complete dumbfounded expressions on their faces. It wasn't until Tre began slow clapping, and Mike began to laugh that I soon lowered my arms back to my sides.

"What the fuck was that" Sapphire says, observing me as if she'd seen a ghost.

I simply shrug my shoulders, wrapping my arms around Hayley's waist. She smiles at me, amused from my silly outburst. I don't even know what that was.

"Ok guys!" Thalia says, pulling a piece of paper from her bra. Damn. This chick is organized as fuck.

"Sapphire and Billie can clean the living room, Mike and Tre can clean the kitchen, and Hayley and I can go out and get food!"

"You're putting us on kitchen duty!?" Tre whines, slumping down.

"Everyone has their job to do" Thalia curtly rolls up the list, and shoves it back down her shirt. "C'mon Hayley, let's go"

"Bye babe" Hayley smiles at me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Bye" I smile back, pulling her in for a hug.

"COME ON PEOPLE, WE ALL HAVE OUR JOB TO DO" Tre imitates Thalia, waving his arms about.

With an eye roll from Thalia, and a giggle from Hayley, both of them are out the door again and out of site. I turn to Sapphire, cracking my knuckles.

"You ok?"

"Yep, let's start" She sighs, grabbing a trash bag from the floor.


"How do they live in this?" I say, cringing as I shove the empty pizza box into a trash bag.

"No clue" Sapphire mutters, pulling more pairs of shoes and garbage from under the couch. "It's actually disgusting"


We continue to work in silence, shovelling trash into bags, and moving furniture back into place. I hadn't seen Sapphire as much as I would have wanted to, as we were both busy with our other social lives. Since Hayley and she are tight again, they've been hanging out a lot more which I'm still not sure is a good thing.

We'd been texting back and forth a little bit, which resulted in usual playful teasing and taking the piss out of each other. I hoped everything was normal for tonight, especially because of the huge party that I wanted to just be happy for.

"So, you know the chick Tre's fucking?" I break the silence, not looking up to look at her. I hear Sapphire let out a laugh, and I stand up to look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing" She grins, and looks back to her work.

"Why is it such a big secret?" I say, confused.

"It's not really, I just think if Tre hasn't told you it's not my place to say" Saph casually shrugs.

"But how come everyone knows but me!?"

"I don't know" She laughs again, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

I groan and roll my eyes, picking up two full trash bags from the floor. I walk out of the apartment to take out the garbage, leaving Sapphire on her own. She doesn't seem to mind, and continues to hum along as she sweeps up the floor.

Now I was really curious. What if Tre was with a Joan Jett doppelganger or some big time celebrity? I desperately wanted to know who she is, and why it was kept a secret from me.
Maybe it was a dude he was with. Tre might be experimenting, him being Tre and maybe they think I'm homophobic or something. I wouldn't judge if he was gay.

Maybe Tre is fucking Hayley! And no one wants to tell me.

Nah, Hayley would never cheat.

"That's the last of it" Sapphire pulls me out of my thoughts, slapping the dust off of her skinny jeans.

"Yeah" I quietly agree, shutting the front door.

Loud screaming emits from the kitchen, and Sapphire and I hardly blink an eye as we both knew Tre was in there. You sort of get used to him after a while.

"Saphyyy?" Tre's small voice rings out.

Tre steps from the kitchen, his footsteps squelching from his wet shoes. Water dripped from his hair, and all his clothes and onto the floor Saph and I had just cleaned. He was drenched.

"Mike and I had an accident while cleaning the dishes..." Tre says. Sapphire clenches her jaw, gripping the mop stick in her hand that she had used only minutes ago.

"I'll get you cleaned up" She mutters, pressing the mop into my hand and walking over to Tre.

"Love you!" Tre grins, letting Sapphire grab his sleeve and begin pulling him to the bathroom.

"You owe me" She says, not turning around.

"Oh, we can arrange something" Tre seductively says, his giggles being the last thing I hear before the bathroom door is slammed shut.


I very much need to get my shit together

But a big twist is gonna happen ur all gonna die

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Stay Tre Cool

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