Short Stack

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"But seriously, if you change your mind, we can just drive around the corner and have sex"

"Tre!" I shout, pushing him at his chest. He laughs, his head thumping against the headrest of the car seat.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer to him. If that was even possible, since I was already straddling his lap. He smiles up at me, and I reach up to push his less intense green hair off his forehead.

He pouts his lips for a kiss, and I grip his face to lean in and gently to make contact. Tre lowers his hands slowly, making me break the kiss and raise an eyebrow at him.

"I have to go, Tre" I say.

"That offer is still up for grabs!" He wriggles his eyebrows.

"I'm going!" I giggle, trying to open the car door.

"Nooooo" He whines, pulling me back.

I eventually kick it open, pulling out of Tre's grip. He lets out another groan, watching me stand up and brush myself off. I blow him a kiss, and he pretends to grab it in his hand and put it in his pocket before he sends me a wink.

"I'll pick you up?" He asks, squinting through the sunlight.

"Nah, I'll probably stay over"

Tre sighs, pulling the door shut. "I'll see you later then"

"Don't get butt hurt because you're not getting lucky tonight"

"You're right" He turns to me with a grin. "I can get lucky tomorrow night"

"That's the spirit... I guess?" I shrug.

"See ya tomorrow Taffy!" He calls, starting the engine and driving away.

Hayley had organised for Thalia and I to come over. It seems that we hang out a lot more, which felt strange to me. I just felt like getting piss drunk, but I don't think the other two would be up to it. I feel like the friendship is forced, which isn't the bed feeling in the world as well as keeping a big secret on my shoulders like a huge weight. It has even gotten to the point where I'm having panic attacks just thinking about it. I still can't decide whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that I know.

"So, what's new about you and Tre?" Thalia asks, sliding the straightening iron down a piece of my hair.

"Oh have I got a lot to tell you!" I grin. Hayley looks up from her phone, suddenly becoming interested in the conversation.

"What happened!?" Thalia says, walking around to face me.

"I knew you guys would hook up!" Hayley exclaims, sitting cross-legged in front of me.

"Well" I begin, smiling. "Last week I went over to his place to talk about us"


"He full on admitted his feelings for me" I begin to feel giddy. I don't think I'm quite over it yes.

"Oh my God what a plot twist" Hayley laughs. "That's so unlike Tre"

"Exactly! That's why it's even better!" Thalia squeals.

"That's not even the last of it!" I hope down off my seat. "Neither of us have told anyone"

"What? Why Not?" Hayley furrows her eyebrows, puzzled. "Aren't you official?"

"That hasn't exactly been talked about... I guess you can say we have a... thing"

"Guys just use that excuse so they can go fuck other girls while making another girl think they're being loyal" Thalia scoffs.

I look down in embarrassment. I knew she was right.

"But at least you got someone, right?" Hayley breaks me out of my thoughts. "He's a good guy for you, Saph" She sends me a half smile.

I smile back, feeling the warmness return to my chest. Tre wouldn't be like that. Maybe he just hasn't had the time to tell Billie or Mike. Speaking of Billie, I haven't spoken to him in a while. He's been spending a lot of time with Hayley, so we haven't had time to chill like we used to. He tells me he'll make time, but it hasn't happened yet.

Time goes on, and after feasting on pasta and doing each other's hair, we settle down on Hayley's bed to watch a movie. We decide on a horror, gathering different snacks to wind down for the night.
I couldn't seem to get Tre out of my mind the whole night. The gnawing feeling of him being with another girl made me feel sick. I wanted to talk to someone about it, but I don't think Hayley or Thalia would be much help.

When I turn to Hayley and Thalia, both their eyes are glued to the screen.

I take this moment to discretely take out my phone, and to my surprise, Billie had already texted me. I unlock my phone, trying to hide the light under the expensive covers. I don't know why I was being so mysterious about this, I guess I just don't want any more trouble with Hayley since she gets extremely jealous of Billie and I's friendship.

Message From: Sexy Fuck

I'm free lets hang


I cant you prick im at hayleys

Sexy Fuck:

That wasn't a question bitch and since when do you ditch me for Hayley?


If you can ditch I can too :)))))

Sexy Fuck:

Ugh whatever... have you seen Tre?


What no how would I know

I thought he was with you

Sexy Fuck:

Nah he always hangs with you now days. I heard he got a misses too


Hmm I haven't heard that ;)

Sexy Fuck:

Do you know something I know?


Gotta go movie is getting good!

Sexy Fuck:

You dog fucker.


Love ya too ;)

I slip my phone back into my pocket, turning back to the TV with a smile on my face. So Billie doesn't know about Tre and I.

Even now, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

A/N Yes it's a short chapter, my laptop is getting repaired because my school sucks, sorry

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