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Sapphires POV

I stare at the rambling teacher in front of me, not taking in anything she's saying. It's weird to think that a couple of nights ago, I was in the middle of a very illegal situation, but here I am right now, an innocent student. It made me ponder on how well I really know people. I would never think that Hayley would cheat on Billie, I would never think Michael was a mentally unstable asshole, and I especially wouldn't think that I would be friends with the "school bad boys" Billie Joe Armstrong and co.

Like, really. Anyone in this classroom could be hiding something. Miss Stell, the young and way too enthusiastic social studies teacher could have killed a man. And Martian, the nerd who sits at the front of the classroom and gets straight A's could of shot 3 grams of cocaine before he walked in here.

It was quite fun making up unbelievable back stories for people in the class. I wonder what everyone thinks of me. They would think it's strange how out of it I've been since LA. I'm an average student- much to my parent's disappointment. I've never really stood out in anything. I was an all-rounder. I used to talk to almost everyone, I used to be more confident. But now, I mostly kept to myself and my friends. I'd lost enjoyment in pretty much everything. Most of the time now, I just want to be alone.
This gives me the familiar feelings I had all those years ago. I never like thinking about my past. It was a dark time for me. I still haven't fully gotten over it, but I've learnt to push it at the back of my mind. Billie knew I had a dark past, not what was in it, but he knew it happened. He never brought it up until a couple nights ago.
I was caught off guard when he mentioned the old scars on my left wrists. I never thought to cover them up, just thought they were faded enough for people not to notice. I don't regret inflicting them on myself. But I know it's stupid to give into your thoughts that easy.
Only 5 souls- well, now 6 now about my scars. Hayley, Thalia, Sam, my parents and now Billie. I insisted to everyone that I would help myself, and that I didn't need doctors and pills. Soon, they gave up on me. And I'm happy for that. I didn't want to talk about it. It's called the past for a reason. It shouldn't be brought up again. Billie will probably bring it up again, but hopefully he won't get too into it.

The sound of the bell overhead makes me shoot up from my position. The other students messily gather their belongings, and scurry to their next classes as I still sit sleepily at my desk.
I hadn't slept properly in days. I was completely paranoid and terrified that at any given moment I could be taken or attacked.

I let out a shaky breath before standing from my desk. My sweaty hands fumble over my books, as I shove them into my back pack uncaringly. My eyes stare paranoid around the room. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't handle this.

I pace out of the room, keeping my head down. Keeping invisible was the key.

"Saph! Wait up!" I quickly turn around, but soon calm down when Hayley and Thalia make their way over to me in the busy hallway.

I send them a small smile, so they don't ask about my wellbeing. I couldn't lie for much longer.

"We have a free period, wanna hang?" Hayley says, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah, ok" I agree, nodding my head. Anything to get my mind off crazy drug dealers.

The three of us push through the school doors, a slight breeze blowing my hair out of place. The spring weather has been quite pleasant, actually. Tre and I have been able to sit on the grass at the hangout, basking in the sun and passing time.

Speaking of Tre, he was meant to be coming over this afternoon. I haven't told my mom about it yet, but seeing how much he's sucked up to her, I don't think she'll mind at all. I hate the fake kindness from my mother when Tre was around. But maybe it wasn't fake. Maybe it was the only time my mother would ever be truly kind to me.

It annoyed the shit out of me.

"What subject did you just have?" Thalia asks, crossing her legs on the concrete steps.

"Social studies" I mutter with a sigh. "Miss Stell annoys the shit out of me"

"Yeah. I had her last year for geography" Hayley comments.

This small talk was awkward. Before anything happened, we would be laughing and joking about. But something changed. I could feel the tension from 3 feet away. No one would say anything though. We would choose to ignore it and try to act normal thus making the situation 10 times worse.

I see Hayley a completely different way after she told me about Jack. I would never think of her as a cheat, especially since she loves Billie sooo much. How could she do this? I still couldn't comprehend. Here I am desperate to have Billie and she would fuck around with another dude with Billie wrapped around her finger. It was the worst situation possible, and there was nothing I could do.

"I saw Jack again last night" Hayley sings, a smile forming on her lips.

"What?" I turn to her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Really!" Thalia grins. "What did you do?"

Hayley opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

"You're still seeing Jack?" I ask, trying to hold back my quickly rising anger.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Maybe because you have a fucking boyfriend"

"Woah Saph, calm down. She can do what she wants" Thalia steps in. As if she could say that?!

"He's a good guy, Hayley" I sternly say, ignoring Thalia's failed attempts to stop me.

"Yeah that's why I'm dating him" She carelessly says, playing with her nails.

"You little-" I stand from my seat on the concrete steps, fists balled at my sides.

"Hey hey hey!" Thalia stands up next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't fight about this... please?"

"Why are you defending her?" I turn to Thalia. "She's cheating on Billie with some sleaze across town"

"Jack is not a sleaze!" Hayley argues, also standing up.

"Oh yeah? He is a fucking sleaze. And guess what?! You're perfect for each other since you're a fucking slut!"

The guilt hit me like a brick wall as soon as the words came out of my mouth. Maybe I took it too far. Maybe I shouldn't have called her a slut. Maybe I was caught up in my emotions towards Billie that I took out my anger on the first person I saw.
But then I remembered what she was. A cheater. A cheater on the funniest, kindest, sweetest guy I know. And she's completely crazy to think she can get away with it.

"You need to leave" Thalia says quietly, but angrily. I shove her hand off of my shoulder, and turn on my heel to march back up the school steps.

"You better fucking leave! And why don't you tell Billie while you're at it, huh?!" Hayley shouts after me.

"Maybe I will" I simply say, not turning to face them again as I stepped through the entrance of the school.

"I'll know its you! You'd never be able to break it to Billie!" I try my best to ignore Hayley's very true words that I couldn't deny.

I couldn't tell Billie.

I could never intentionally hurt him.


The story is only getting started again :)))))))

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