Sleeping At Last

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Billie's POV

I was mad.

I was mad that Tre and Sapphire kept something from me for that long.

Mad that the girl I truly love is messing around with my best friend.

But most of all, I was mad that Sapphires reveal was right.

Hayley was cheating on me.

I think I always deep down knew she was, but never wanted to say anything about it since I knew she was way out of my league. I still wanted to be with her.
But now someone's finally told me, I was both relieved but mad. She gave me so much shit for being friends with Sapphire and she goes behind my back and fucks another dude?

How am I supposed to deal with my feelings for Sapphire if she's gonna be hanging herself over a good mate of mine? Does she even know how to feels? This is going to be awful

I climb out of the truck and angrily pace up the neat, stone path. The memories of our first date flashes in my mind, but I push the sadness back with the bubbling anger and hurt threatening to burst.

My fist harshly bashes on the front door, much different to the timid knock all those months ago. I'll never listen to Blink-182 the same.

The door opens to Hayley, an innocent expression on her face. Which only made me 10x madder.

"Was this your plan all along?" I say, pushing through her front door.

"What?" She cluelessly says. Fucking Bitch.

"Get with the bad boy so you can fucking flaunt him around but not actually give a shit about him?" I whip around to face her.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Hayley splutters, eyes widening with shock. I know she knew. She knew that I knew that she knew. I just knew it.

"You! What was the goal here?!" I shout. "Rebellion? Or did you just want a little fun?"

"Billie please-"

"How long have you been fucking him?" I cut her off.

Hayley is stunned. She stares at me in shock, her mouth gaping open and closed. She can't argue against this. She's hit a brick wall. Theres no way out of this now.
Hayley's facial expressions change from fear to anger. Her eyebrows furrow and her fists ball at her sides.

"Ever since you've been fucking Sapphire!" She argues back, pointing a finger harshly into my chest.

"What?!" I scream. "I've never fucked Sapphire!" I shove her finger away from me.

"I've seen the way you look at her. You think I wouldn't realise how you feel about her?!"

"I don't have feelings for Sapphire!" I sternly say, clenching my jaw.

"Well there has to be something there! She talks about you like you're an old married couple"

I try and suppress the blush on my cheeks when Hayley mentions how Sapphire talks about me. To think Sapphire still talks about us around other people made my heart

"Stop trying to change the subject" I step forward, using my height compared to Hayley as an advantage. "At least i didn't fuck someone else!"

"Oh boo-hoo Billie!" Hayley cries sarcastically. "You knew this relationship would turn to shit!"

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