Woah Okay

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A/N Going to rip out your hearts in this chapter :)))

Sapphire's POV

"Open up!" I yell, bashing my fist on the door for what felt like the 10th time.

The loud music sent vibrations at my feet, and the smoke wafting from under the door meant Mike and Tre were obviously 100% home.

I hear a few crashes and thumps before finally he door is ripped open. I wasn't surprised all to see Tre standing, glad in batman underwear, blood shot eyes and holding onto a light pink glass bong. As he opens his mouth to smile, another wave of smoke emits from his nostrils and lips.

"Saphhhh!!" He draws out, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Tre" I laugh, pushing his half naked and sweaty body off of me.

I close the door behind me, eyes adjusting to the dimly lit apartment that Tre and Mike had shared. The ground was littered with cans and take away boxes, articles of clothing hung on every piece of furniture. The old fashioned TV sat on the ground in front of a ratty and stained couch, while the walls were tinged to a yellow colour.

I stopped getting shocked from this place after the 8th time I'd been here.

"So, vas happenin!" Tre yells, stumbling over a high heel on the floor. "Ok, that is definitely not mine!" He says, picking up the strappy, pink shoe with only two of his fingers.

I let out a single sigh, shaking my head. How is this kid gonna survive in the real world?

"Tre, can we talk?" I ask, licking my dry lips. I'd never been one to be like this. I was going to ask Tre where we stand. I was sick of lying in bed, overthinking about what he feels.

"Sure baby!" Tre grins, chucking the bong behind him and grabbing a striped dressing gown from the floor. My heart stops when I think of the expensive glass smashing, but it neatly lands on the couch behind, Tre not even flinching.

"Let's go to my room" He winks, flipping the gown like a cape and turning to walk.

I stifle a laugh with my hand, following behind. I had to be cautious of my steps as I could trip over any random object laying on the ground. I couldn't believe him and Mike lived like this.
Every single party that they've held here, it seemed to only get messier. I couldn't believe people would want to hang around a dump like this- no offence to Mike or Tre.
No wonder Billie moved into the room instead of here. I wouldn't be able to bear it either.

As we enter Tre's bedroom, he begins to kick away clothes to make a pathway towards the bed. I frown at the red lace bra lying on the ground, feeling a tiny pang of jealousy.

I knew Tre had been with many girls. But recently, it's started to affect me a little. He can't just almost kiss me, but still go around fucking chicks left right and centre.

Tre jumps down on the double bed, patting a free spot next to him. I cautiously walk through, a cringe on my face. I hated being here.

"So what's up princess?" Tre adjusts himself on the bed, moving closer to me. I blush at his choice of nickname, but soon recompose myself to talk.

"I just wanted to talk about... us..." I quietly say, fidgeting with my hands in my lap.

"What do you mean?" Tre seriously asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

Shit. He doesn't even know. Why do I always have to jump to stupid conclusions like this? I was probably so caught up with myself, I forget how Tre can be. He's not hitting on me. It's just how he is. I'm such an embarrassment.

Tre tilts his head to the side when I don't reply. I can hardly look at him.

"Oh" He finally says, realisation washing over his face. He bites his lip, slowly running a hand through his faded green hair.

"I'm sorry" I lift my hands up to cover my mouth and nose. "It's a stupid thing to ask" I shake my head.

"No, no. I- I understand" Tre says, shuffling on the bed again. He pauses, looking down to the floor. "I kind of have trouble with words"

I nod my head, knowing how he feels. I don't believe it when people say actions speak louder than words. It's always easier to lie with your actions.

"B- But I'm just gonna come straight out with it" Tre quickly looks towards me, desperation in his eyes.

I nods again, feeling my heart rate increase. It could go either way from here.

"I... really like you" Tre swallows, taking a deep breath. "And I know... I'm a fuckup. I know I can be a huge ass and make a complete jerk of myself, but- but I feel different with you. I'm not just that guy who gets high and wears woman's underwear for fun. I mean, that stuff it great but the serious stuff matters too, right?"

"Yes Tre, it does" I agree, a huge grin on my face.

"But if you accept me. Accept my feelings." Tre grabs my hands, gently caressing them. "I promise to treat you right. I promise to be loyal" Tre honestly states, his voice becoming more and more shaky.

"Well Mr Tre Cool, the truth has really come out" I raise my eyebrows, unable to keep the smile off of my face.

"I just poured my heart out to you and that's how you reply?" Tre jokes, letting out a giggle.

"We can't be serious all the time" I quietly say, the once happy smile turning into a smirk.

"You're right" Tre smugly grins at me, looking deeply into my eyes.

I begin to calm down as Tre places one hand on my waist, keeping the other clasped around my hand. The warmness is radiating off of him as he pulls me in closer, that our noses were only inches from each other.
He kept the same superior smile on his face, eyes glistening with excitement. I watched him lick his lips, and his hand as it gently grabs a hold of my chin. My mind is racing with thoughts and feelings, but I keep my calm posture and let Tre put me in some type of trance.

This was just like the last time we almost kissed. I had the exact same feelings, but these ones felt more hopeful. Like it could actually happen. My mind went as far as to think about Billie and Hayley. They were together tonight, and tonight, Billie would be explaining it to me in every detail.

As Tre shuts is eyes, I finally realise this is no time to think about Billie. This is my turn.

But still, when Tre pressed his lips to mine, Billie was the only thing I was thinking about.

A/N I feel like this book is boring compared to the rest.

BUT ANYWAY. I've had a few people ask to collab stories so I started a collab account greenday_r_us so follow that and stuff.

If you want to be part of the account, have an idea ready and we can either write it as an imagine or a whole book! Just message me with your name, and idea :)))

Trying to get back onto a routine with updates, been difficult lately.

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Stay Tre Cool

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