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(A/N this chapter title is a code word for, "help, ive watched 5 seasons of supernatural in one week and i'm addicted")

Sapphires POV

"Thalia gave you one simple job and you couldn't even get that right?" I joke, chucking a towel at Tre.

"Cleaning the kitchen is a very traumatizing and emotionally draining experience" Tre says matter-of-factly, beginning to rub his hair dry.

I laugh, propping myself up on the sink. Tre steps in between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smirk, my arms snaking over his shoulders. I stare at his eyes, his wondering over my body before deeply observing mine.

I bite my lip, trying to gather my thoughts. I was confused as to why Tre hadn't told anyone about us. I'd told Hayley and Thalia, but thought it'd be better off if I made them keep the secret. I don't even think Mike knows about this.

"Tre?" I quietly ask after taking a deep breath.

"Mmhm?" He mumbles, pressing his lips to my neck.

"Tre, I need to ask you something" I grab his head to pull him up, cupping the sides of his face.

Tre stupidly grins, tightening his hold on my body. It does seem like he's going to be serious about this. I thought maybe that he would act like how he did when he admitted his feelings for me, that maybe we could talk like Billie and I do. But maybe he did that just so he could get what he wanted.

"Why haven't you told anyone about us?" I quickly say, cringing for the answer.

Tre looks up at me, not loosening his grip. He stares wide eyed, a sudden serious expression on his face. Did I say something wrong?
He shrugs, looking down again. I wanted him to answer, but I also didn't want to start an argument.

"Anything else?" Tre says, pushing his hair that had fallen out of his eyes.

I narrow my eyes at him. Was he really going to act like an asshole about this?

"Yes, actually" I spit, trying to swallow my annoyance.

"What are we calling this?" I motion my hand between us. Tre tilts his head in confusion.

As if a light bulb as gone off on top of his head, his face relaxes in realization. That stupid smug smirk that is quickly beginning to piss me off returns to his face. I swear I could smack it off him.

"Aw c'mon baby, you know I don't like labels" He grins, shoving his face into my neck again.

My lips turn into a snarl, and I grab his face, pulling him off me. He looks surprised as I untangle my body from his, and shove him off of me. I hop down off the bathroom counter, and rush to the door to run out. I hear him call my name, but ignore him and appear back into the living room.

The rest seem to be completely oblivious to what have happened in the bathroom. Billie was sitting on the couch with a beer, with Hayley on his lap. My eyes dart to Thalia, who was still rushing around the place cleaning up. I didn't see what her deal was. This was the cleanest I'd ever seen the apartment.

"Saph!" She shouts, hurrying over to me. She shoves a bong in my hand, looking at me with wild eyes. "Put this in Mike's room" Thalia says, breathlessly.

"Uh... I'm pretty sure people are gonna use it" I bite my lip with a smile, watching Billie try to hold in laughter on the couch.

"I don't care! Just get it out of my site!" She yells, flustered. Billie finally releases his laughter, and I spin on my heel to let out a grin.

"Ok Thalia!" I call, wanting to leave the living room.

I walk down the hallway, taking the first door on the left to Mike's room. As soon as I open it, the smile returns to my face to see Mike struggling to pull the fitted sheet over his bed.
I place the bong on the bedside table, and climb onto the bed to help him.

"Hey, thanks" Mike lets out a laugh, letting me smooth out the sheet.

"No problem. I have to be better than you at something"

"I know for a fact you can take more shots than me"

"Very true" I wink, standing up again. "Hey Mike...?"

"Yeah?" He looks up, walking around the bed next to me.

"I need to ask for some advice... f- for a friend I mean" I lie, looking down to the floor so I don't give anything away.

"Sure" Mike smirks. "I'd love to help your friend"

"Ok... well" I sit down on the bed. "This friend of mine... has a thing with a guy"

"Yeah?" He sits down next to me.

"And he's kept it completely secret" I say, sadly. "Is he ashamed of the relationship or something?"

"Nah, that's not it" Mike shakes his head.

"What is it then?"

"He's scared"


"Yeah, the dude feels as if he has competition. Maybe another guy likes her or something"

"I- I don't think that's it..."

"It is, I've seen this before. A big steaming pile of jealousy"

"Jealousy?!" I quickly stand from the bed. "Of me and Billie?!"

"So it is about you" Mike smugly looks to me. Fuck. I got too ahead of myself.

I let out a deep breath, clenching my teeth. This is not good. Mike didn't know and now he does. Tre might be jealous of Billie and I's imaginary relationship. I've wrecked a potential relationship that could be the thing I need most right now.

"So Tre and you hooked up? Nice" Mike nods his head, a smile on his face.

"Please don't say anything" I bed, sitting down next to him to grip his arm.

"I won't, Saph, chill" He assures me, shaking his arm out of my grip.

I deeply exhale, again, shutting my eyes in thought. Maybe I shouldn't have gone and spoken to Mike. Maybe I just made things 10x worse than what they needed to be. This night went from 100 to 0 real quick.

But even under all this, I still had a gut feeling that something would go wrong tonight.

And the first guests have already begun to arrive.

A/N Any theories? :) 

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