Death Of A Bachelor

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so i had a small hiatus... because im FUCKING DEPRESSED.

Sapphires POV

"Don't even worry about him" Mike mutters, pressing the beer bottle to his lips.

"Mike, I don't know what to do" I whine. "He's been like this for days!"

"He'll come around"

I sigh, slumping back into the couch. I didn't think so. Tre had been acting weird ever since Billie and I became friends again. He doesn't even look me in the eye. If he wants out, I'd rather him just say it than give me the cold shoulder. I knew it was a bad idea to date friends, because now if we break up it'll be the weirdest most awkward shit with the group. And I really didn't want Mike and Billie to choose sides.

Thinking about Billie makes my heart twist into knots. If he's single, and still not professing his love to me then I think I'm going to start to accept that we're never going to be an item. I know it's bad of me to be with someone I don't truly love, but I thought it would help me get over him. It's only made it worse. Only made me long for him more and more.

"Mike..." I begin, biting my lip in anxiety. He hums in response, turning to look at me.

"So um-" I tap my fingertips together. "I think I might have a certain fancy... towards a certain someone..."

"Tre?" Mike tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"No..." I swallow hard. "Someone else"

"Ohhhh... Uh... Yeah about that" He scratches his head.

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah uh- Al already told me"


"Chill dude I'm not gonna say anything"

"Fuckkkkk" I groan in embarrassment, sliding my hands down my face.

"Sapphire theres nothing wrong with wanting to rip of BJ's pants, I want that too sometimes"

"Shut up" I punch Mike in the shoulder, hard.

"Ow! I'm kidding!" He laughs.

I cross my arms over, furrowing my eyebrows. I was half angry, half relieved that Al told him already. It meant that she betrayed my trust, but it also meant I didn't have to say it out loud which would have been hard on my anxiety ridden body.

"It's cute" Mike smirks.

"No, its not"


"Because he doesn't like me back and it's unbearable"

"Dude, don't give up so easy"

"Why do you say that?"

"You haven't even tried to get him"

"Too late for that now, I've kind of got a boyfriend"

"Why are you with him if you like Billie?"

"Its complicated... its gonna help me get over him"

"Why do you wanna get over him?"

"Because I have to" I close my fists, digging my fingernails into my palm.

Mike stares at me with concern, searching my face for emotions. He was clueless. He really didn't get it. His life was somewhat together- at least more than mine. I tried so hard, I really did but no matter what I thought of the only conclusion I came to was to get over Billie. I didn't see any other solution. And as much as it tore my heart to shreds, his happiness was more important.

"You don't have to" Mike softly says, his gentle eyes staring into mine. I shake my head.

"Why do you say that?"

"Tre just texted me" Billie walks in, eyes down at his phone. "He asked about you" He looks up to me, but freezes when he sees Mike and me looking up at him. "... Did I walk in on something?"

"I- I'll leave you to it" Mike awkwardly stands from the couch, and shuffles towards the room. He knocks shoulders with Billie, and nods his head towards me. I mentally face palm as I feel my cheeks growing hot. Nice exit, Mike.

"So..." I finally say. "Whats up?" (suh dude)

"Nothing much..." Billie replies, stifling a smile.

I grin, shaking my head. "Come and sit down, jackass"

Billie oblidges, and bounds over like a giant puppy and hops down next to me. I pass him a beer as he shoves his phone back into his pocket.

"So uh... sick show, right?"

"Yeah?" I look at him weirdly. Why the awkward small talk?


I roll my eyes, moving closer to him on the couch. "Billie, if you wanna tell me something just tell me"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Cut the crap" I laugh.

"There's no crap to cut" He smirks at me.

"Fuck you"

"Don't mind if I do"

"Billie! Jesus Christ just tell me what's up"

"It's fine. I'm fine"

"You'd tell me your fine with both your arms missing"

Billie laughs, burying his face in his hands and bringing his legs up onto the couch. My heart began to hammer in my chest. He was adorable when he did that.

"Okay, now you gotta tell me whats on your mind" I grab onto his shoulder, making him face me.

"I can't" he whines.

"Why not?"

"I don't know how to say it"

"In English would be a good start"

"Don't be a smartass"

"Come on! Man up!"

Billie sighs, a half smile forming on his face. His eyes twinkled as his hand reached up, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I stare back nervously, frozen on the spot. What the actual fuck was going on. I've never related to a Justin Bieber song more in my life until this moment.

"You know... that I-"He pauses, and looks away. I stay silent, hoping he would keep on talking. The suspense is killing me.

It was hard to tell whether or not it's a good or a bad thing. But the anxious expression on his face, and the way he was trying to avoid telling me at all costs gave me the impression that it was a bad thing. A very bad thing.

"That I-"He closes his eyes, and scrunches up his face. Fucking hell Billie.

I heart drop and sadness wash over my body. He's keeping something from me when our friendship was meant to be built on honesty. I glumly look down at the realisation that Billie didn't trust me with something.

"Fucking hell Billie! I'm so sick of this bullshit!"


Guys... theres like 2 chapters left..... L

BUT theres gonna be a super duper long epilogue

That's scary

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