Snoop Dog

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a/n guys grab ur stress balls its about to get hella lit fam

"Tonight's the night" Billie says to his friend, gnawing on his thumbnail and tapping his foot.

"You've say that every night" Mike sighs, turning to face the nervous boy who was staring deep in thought at the poster covered wall.

Mike didn't know what to do. He knew very well that both Sapphire and Billie were in love with each other, but his hopeless romantic of a girlfriend insists they have to find each other in their own ways. As much as it annoyed Mike to have Billie come complaining to him about the apparent unrequited love, he still thought deep down that they would have a happy ending.

Things just got messy when Tre came into the picture. The boy had been in love with Sapphire ever since he laid eyes on her in that math class he was moved into for being a little shit. She had no idea that every prod to her rip, or light smack on the back of the head was actually Tre's way of admitting something to her that you would never hear coming from his mouth unless he was serious.

Tre didn't win when he first pressed his lips to hers. The poor soul had no clue that her mind was elsewhere. He didn't win when the fight happened between Sapphire and Billie, and it was thought that it would never be the same again. He didn't even win when they first said the three very words that would interlock a couple into someone's mind for the rest of her days. The only thing that Tre was winning was slowly getting his heart shattered by the girl he truly loved.

He didn't notice it at first. It slowly happened. First it was the way she would smile at him, and how the smile never varied from when they were friends to when they were more than. It was always the same. But, she smiled at Billie with a twinkle in her eye and a warmness on her cheeks. The way he wanted her to smile at him.

Next, it was body language. Sapphire would always give him a friendly punch on the shoulder, or a ruffle of the hair. Never a quick peck to the cheek, or a rub on the back.

Finally, it was the body contact. Her hugs with him could be long and warm, like a bear hug. But when Billie wraps his arms protectively around her waist, and when she buries her face in his neck, or when they break the hug to look each other lovingly in the eyes before engulfing back into each other, Tre knows that's an act of love.

It never changed between them. They only gained the sex.

And how good the sex was. Tre loved staring down at Sapphire, her skin glistening with sweat, heavy breaths making her naked chest rise and fall. He loved the gentle touches, her moans and grins and making her grip onto the sheets in pleasure.

But maybe that's all their relationship was. It's not love if it's just fucking. A/N reference? J

It seemed everyone always came to Mike with their problems. Tre, Sapphire, and mostly Billie. Wise old Mike. Wanting to say whatever was right, but he knew he couldn't. Just like Al said, if its true love it'll all fall into place.

God, Mike prays she's right.

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