Pls Don't Hate Me

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A/N Listen to the chapter title ^^ pls dont hate me 

Sapphires POV

My head hurt from getting knocked out. My wrists hurt from the rusted metal chain around them. My knees hurt from the hard cement floor I was under.

Out of all the positions I could be tied up in, I was in the one that seemed to be the most uncomfortable. They could have tired me to a chair or a radiator, at least then I would be sitting and not stuck on my knees, with my arms above me.

The chains clanked against the pole, as I once again rustled my hands. I'd been awake for over an hour, and still saw no signs of live form. I assumed I was in a basement, from the piles of boxes and old wooden stairs that lead to a door. It was hard to see much in the dark light, the only source being the small barred window at the high end of the wall. At least I knew it was still night, from the full moon that stretched out in the sky.

I let out a groan, trying to ignore the itching sensation on my nose. It seemed to get itchy at the worst of times.

I'm surprised at myself by how chill I am. I thought in a situation like this I'd be freaking out and screaming for help. But I guess this isn't that bad from what I've experienced before. And I know that Billie and the others will come for me soon. There's no doubt about it. Hopefully, puts his dick away and helps out. It was heart wrenching seeing him throw himself on those girls before.
Mike had told me it was just how Tre was, but really, that's no excuse to be a fuck boy.

My restless movements come to a halt when I hear the basement door open. I freeze, keeping my eyes trained on the door as I saw movement through the darkness. The wooden stairs creaked under the weight of the people making their way downstairs. I couldn't make out how many people were here, but I knew that no matter what number, they were dangerous.

"Ah, you're finally awake" A familiar voice rings out.

"Have been for quite a few" I sarcastically remark, feeling a smirk form on my face. This was going to be fun.

"You better watch your tongue" It rasps, as the lights overhead flicker on.

My eyes burn from the blinding lights, and I squint in reaction. I could already make out the two men from the alley way all those weeks ago. Cigarette man had the trademark menthol hanging out of his mouth, and my attacker was still wearing his greasy, once white wife beater. But, behind them a large bald man wearing an over-sized t-shirt. He had a permanent snarl on his face, standing strongly with his arms crossed. I think I had to watch out for him.

"It's hard to watch my tongue when it's in my mouth" I retort.

"No, it's hard to watch your tongue when it's down Tre Cool's throat"

The two men laugh from my shocked expression. How long had they been watching me? I never kissed Tre in public, only either in my room or his. I feel my confidence slowly begin to fade, and the realisation began to set in. I was in some deep shit.

"Now, we have a question for you. Just a simple question. I hope you can cooperate" Cigarette man sneers, circling the pole I was feebly tied to. I was a sitting duck.

"I'm always a slut for trivia"

"Acting a little smart tonight, eh? I'm sure you'll behave once you see what's waiting for you" My attacker speaks up, taking some steps forward.

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