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Happy fucking Easter everybody



"Now you married young,"


"Any regrets?"

"None at all"

"Why not?"

"She was the one. I knew it then and there y'know. I would never regret that" I look to the interviewer with a smile on my face.

I was used to the questions about his love life. It almost felt like I was asked more about her than the actual music, but I didn't mind. I liked talking about her, I would never get sick of it.

I felt weird doing interviews alone. Especially on television. I was used to Mikes long and thought out replies, and Tre's sexual jokes. But here I was. Sat against a brick wall, a man no older than 30 sitting across from me with black rimmed hipster glasses and a beard.

"So you guys are in the middle of recording a new album?" The interviewer shuffles in his chair from the unexpected answer. He probably wanted a hard-core, rebellious response to match my "punk" image, but when it comes to her, I was a warm cinnamon bun.



"Where are the kids?" I ask the black suited man, who walked briskly in front of me.

"I assure you ma'am, they're safe" He replies, his posh accent making the statement sound so much more believable.

"I don't think the word safe is possible with a 6 year old and a four year old" I mutter to myself, adjusting my boobs in my tight, black dress.

"Right this way ma'am, you're expected"

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?"

"I apologise ma'am, I was instructed not to reveal anything"

"Great. I love surprises" I say with an eye roll.

My heart almost stops when the brightly lit Gazebo comes into view. Fairy lights covered the white painted wood, and trees hung all around making the space seem more enclosed. The night shone brightly, but not as brightly as the man who stood in the centre of the gazebo, clad in a black suit and a smile on his face.

"This is where I leave you" My caretaker says with a twinkle in his eyes.

I swallow quickly, nodding once at him before taking a shaky step on the wooden step.

"What's all this?" I barely say, my eyes wondering all around.

"Well," Billie says, shyly looking down. "You always dreamed of having a dumb, cliché wedding" He starts.

I grin and walk towards him.

"So I thought why not make up for the shitty one we had all those years ago?" Billie finishes, holding out his arms.

"You're an idiot"

"I'm your idiot"

"Don't pull that cringey shit on me, Armstrong"

"Hey" He says, pulling me into him by my waist. "You're an Armstrong too"



It felt like shards of glass were poking the backs of my eyeballs. The desert had overtaken my mouth, and my limbs felt heavy and unresponsive - reluctant to move. The unrelenting misery of a headache pounded at my head. I tried to sit up, but my stomach was upset it's angry at me.

Bad Boys III (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now