So mad at wattpad rn i'm gonna riot

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"Let's put porn all over the walls! A- And maybe put some stripper poles up!" Tre yells, jumping out of the car hardly able to keep up with his excitement.

"Slow down Tre, we haven't even seen the place yet you fuckwit" Mike groans, stepping out of the car, checking out the rundown building in front of us.

I laugh in my seat looking over to Sapphire next to me. She had a huge smile on her face watching the boys argue immaturely. I still felt strange about last weekend. She simply came over for a movie night when my mom had a night shift, and I was about to turn it into some crappy porn movie I'd watch. Neither of us had brought it up, and I'm not sure if I want to keep it that way.

"You guys fucking or coming inside?" Mike yells, making Sapphire flip the bird and me start to nervously fumble with my seat belt. Did Saph tell Mike about this? Mike is wise, and good at giving advice, so he's a go-to person in a puzzling situation like this. It wasn't cheating. Yeah, maybe I was thinking about it but Sapphire stopped it before it could go further.
I'm not mad for Saph halting my pretentious, horny manner but more disappointed. Hayley can't fulfil me. And ever since Sapphire almost sucked me off while drunk, I can't get that side of her out of my head. Embarrassingly enough, I would think about it in my most private of times.

I let out a shaky breath after slamming the door shut, watching Sapphire casually catch up to Mike. Damn, she looked good in those ripped skinny jeans. It's a good thing I know what's underneath them too.
Mike calling me over breaks me out of my thoughts, and I walk ahead beside him up the dirt path. We were checking out the place Chris had gotten us. We would be using it for preforming and recording, and it would probably replace the usual hang out spot that the boys and I had been using since we were 10.

The building was defiantly neglected, but it was perfect for the edginess we liked. Some of the windows were nailed shut, and the old door looked like one push could send it off its hinges. It was a red brick building, the bricks colour faded away and scratched from harsh weather or kid's graffiti. Over grown grass surrounded the place, the half dead plant grown in patches.

I nod my head, already growing to like this place. It probably looked fucking awesome at night.

"Are we gonna get inside?" Tre asks, eagerly waiting by the door. Mike walks up to join him as Sapphire looks around, her hands placed on her waist.

"What do you think?" I murmur to her. She squints at the sun, head raised up at the building.

"Well, it was free. Can't complain that much"

I nod my head in agreement, ignoring the fact that Mike and Tre were ramming their shoulders into the door to try and get it open.

"A little help?" Mike puffs, out of breath.

"You guys are so stupid" Sapphire breaths, reaching into her pocket to pull out a key. "Step aside" She sassily remarks before walking forward to easily unlock the door. I walk over to the three, just as Tre creaks the door open.

I swear all four of our jaws dropped as we stepped inside. Sapphire switches on the lights, and my eyes light up further as they flicker on.

The old, floorboard ground was covered in rubbish and leaves, but that could be easily fixed. What really caught my eyes was the stage placed in the far right of the room, accompanied with professional speakers and lights. I grin widely, jogging over to the stage and climbing onto it.

At the back of the hall was a hallway, which the recording room and storage was. The others don't seem to notice them yet as they walk around, inspecting.

"It's gonna take ages to clean this shit up" Sapphire mutters, kicking an empty beer can.

"Stay positive, Taffy!" Tre exclaims, his loud voice echoing around the room.

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