I'm Running Out Of Chapter Names I'm Gonna Start Calling Them Song Names

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Billie's POV

"Tomorrows the big day, huh Billie?" Tom slurs, tipping his empty beer can over with a disappointed expression.

"Yeah" I scoff, bringing my own can up to my lips to take a small sip. This was only my second for the night.

"Good for you, brother!" He laughs, chucking his can behind him and slapping me on the black. I smile in response, trying to keep my balance from the drunk man's pushy behaviour.

Remind me again why I get drunk? It seems I hadn't in a while. Being at this party, and seeing the worst in even the best people makes me look down at my can in disgust. It's weird that I only understand now why Sapphire doesn't like getting drunk. She doesn't like parties much anyway, but only fakely likes them when she's had a bit to drink.

I don't know about half the people here, but familiar faces greet me and congratulate me on the album. Tomorrow would be the day where it would finally appear on shelves. The first time I would hold my own creation in my hands, the hard copy. Is there even a word for excited out of my mind, but also ready to change my name and move to Mexico if it goes wrong?

I hate the feeling, but I can't stop thinking that half the people I'm friends with, only are because this could be my first step to fame. I know Sapphires in the right place, but the others? I wasn't so sure. I'm excited to get out of here. To move to LA, start fresh, and really focus on making more music. Even if this album makes us hit further than rock bottom.

"Hey, by the way" Tom stops me from walking away. "Your girlfriend?" He nods his head towards Hayley. "Fucking hot!" He yells, cracking open another can and beginning to gulp it down.

I send him a false smile, finally happy to be able to turn away from him. I push my way through the crowded apartment, eyes searching for one particular person. I would have talked to Hayley, but she's busied herself for the last half an hour, talking to an ex who just happened to show up.

When I shove the last person out of the way, I let out a sigh of relief to see the exact person I was looking for.

Sapphire was leaning up against the wall, a single cider in her hand. She wore leather pants, and her trademark oversized sweater. I see her observing something intently, but decide against asking her about it.

"Hey" I say, standing next to her.

"Hey" She says, not turning to look at me.

I look to her, her face fixed in a half-scowl, still staring at whatever she seemed somewhat pissed at.

"Look at him" She says in monotone, narrowing her eyes. I turn my head, looking towards where Sapphire was shooting daggers at.

To my surprise, Sapphire had been staring straight at Tre. He was obviously and badly flirting with some brunette, his arm slung lazily around her. The girl was laughing, being careful not to spill her red solo cup full of alcohol.

"Tre will be Tre" I half smile, shaking my head.

Sapphire curses under her breath, taking a swig at her can.

"What?" I question her in confusion. She quickly shakes her head, still not looking at me.

"You wouldn't think Tre would be loyal, eh?" She states.

Now I remember. Tre apparently had a thing with a girl. Maybe that was the girl, but the way Sapphire is reacting to this tells me otherwise.

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