I Had To Look Up How Many Kidneys A Human Has For This Chapter

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A/N I've kind of given up with chapter titles.

Billie's POV

"Three men were arrested last night after being on the wanted list by police for 3 on going months. Two men in their late forties and one only in his late teens were pulled unconscious from a house in downtown Oakland, to be questioned by police tomorrow. Past victims of these men say they are glad they are one less thing to worry about on the streets"

"It's going to be great" Sapphire stretches her arms in the air. "People will finally here your stuff... you're gonna make it out of this shitty town"

"We are going to make it out of this shitty town" I correct, lacing my hands through hers. She turns to me with a forced smile, the dying spark in her eyes barely lighting up her face.

We'd cleaned each other up as best as we could, being as we were trying to avoid hospitals. I had to persuade Sapphire not to call an ambulance when she saw my body, but luckily I calmed her down while prying her phone out of her hand.

We needed to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible, meaning avoiding contact, avoiding people, avoiding girlfriends. When I stormed out the door of the party, I knew Hayley was calling out my name. Of course I ignored her and continued to run, but I still felt this nagging sense that something was going on. I felt uncomfortable to leave her drunk and with Jack, but I guess our relationship can go nowhere if it wasn't built on trust.

"You really think people are gonna buy it?" I ask worriedly, referring to the album that would be sent to my door in a few short hours.

"Billie" Sapphire sits up. "You've made an impact on two states- in both good and bad ways. I think you'll sell a few"

"How much is a few"

"Six, probably" She shrugs her shoulders.


"No, six. I'd buy one, you, Mike, Tre would, your mom obviously would, and maybe Tom if he's sober enough by midday" She smirks, raising an eyebrow.

"You're a little shit"

She laughs, lying back down beside me. I think both of us were over drug dealing men, and psychotic wanna be Gerard Ways. We hadn't mentioned any incident from the night since we stripped down to the least possible amount of clothing and climbed into my bed.
One day, it will be spoken about again. But right now, we literally didn't give a shit. The moon was still up, the party is probably still going on at the apartment. But we literally did not, give a shit.

Something happened down in that basement. I'm still not sure what it was.

When Michael was smashing that chair down on me, I thought I was done for. I'd prayed to God, Jesus, Buddha, John Lennon, so I was ready for death. I'd opened my eyes one more time to lay them on my best friend. She mouthed three words over and over that burned into my brain, make my stomach do backflips, and make my lips go dry.

She said she loved me.

It could have been the heat of the moment, or mean something completely different than how she meant it. But it did something to me. It motivated me to smash Michael in the face a couple more times, which adds up in the end.

You know in that Peter Pan movie that came out in 2003, with that cute kid playing Peter that every girl and their mother had a crush on? In one scene near the end, Peter is on the verge of death, and when Wendy finally kisses him, the LSD kicks in or some shit and he goes flying off into the air to defeat hook. That's pretty much exactly how I felt when Sapphire said that.

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