If God Exists

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Dedicated to Violet who lost someone very important to her <3 death really sucks but it always gets better.

Billies POV

"Wheres Tre?" I sleepily ask, rubbing my eyes.

"He went home" Mike shrugs. 

Sapphire looks down sadly at Mikes response, and I look to her with sympathy. Tre was treating her like shit. I bet I could be a way better boyfriend to her.

I sit down on the edge of my bed,  lying on Billies bed with his arms around Al. My ears were still ringing from the show we just finished a couple hours ago, and it got me even more excited for our upcoming tour. Success felt so close I could taste it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

"Why?" Sapphire finally asks, setting down her phone, staring innocent eyed at Mike. Fuck, she was adorable.

"Not sure..." He mutters. "Something along the lines of being tired"

"Bullshit" I spit.

"I know" Mike agrees.

Sapphire lets out a sigh, crossing her arms. I don't see why she thinks this is her fault. I thought her and Tre's relationship was going well. I don't see any reason that he would be pissed at her.

"Don't worry about him, we can have a good night without him" I assure her, smiling.

"Are you flirting with me, Armstrong?" Sapphire suddenly smirks.

"What! No! No- No I'm not!" I splutter, feeling my face grow hot. Did Mike tell her? Fuck. I was screwed. She knows. She thinks I'm a joke.

"I'm kidding Billie!" She laughs. "You look like you're about to pass out!"

"Yeah Bill! Its as if you like her or something!"

My head snaps to Mike, my eyes widened. Mike slyly smiles at me, and I send him the dirtiest look I could muster. What a fucking douche. This is why I don't want to tell anyone about my feelings.
Al elbows Mike in the ribs, making me stare dumbfoundedly at her. Why did Al do that? Oh come on! I mentally groan. Mike told Al about it! 

"Very funny, Dirnt" Sapphire raises her can and finishes it off. Okay. It doesn't seem like she's suspicious or anything.

"Yeah. Very funny, Dirnt" I say though clenched teeth, raising my eyebrows at him. He simply pouts back, rubbing his side where Al had hurt him.

The night goes on, we continue drinking and laughing until my mini fridge was empty. Sapphire was beautiful, the way she opened up about herself and how her whole face cutely lit up when she laughed. God damn.

"I had this friend, Violet" Sapphire begins her next story. "I met her when I was like 14 or something. But this one time she got so high that she got like, major munchies. Anyway, she really wanted cereal so she put on sunglasses and tried to quietly sneak her way into the kitchen to get it. Turns out it was actually 7pm at night, and her family was watching her stealth around the kitchen making cereal while they were eating dinner!"

Sapphire tilts her head back and laughs, placing her hands at the side of her face. The three of us laugh along, remembering all the times similar things happened to us. Dope was a hell of a drug.

A/N Don't do drugs, kids. Please.

"Bj!" Mike yells, pointing to me. "Remember when-"

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