Simple Plan

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Billies POV

I land on the carpeted floor in a heap, an oof escaping my lips. I groan, rolling over on my back to stare up at the ceiling above. I hadn't climbed through Sapphires window in ages, and seeing her parent's cars in the driveway only made me more nervous from doing this
I hadn't even met the guys, but from hearing what Saph herself has said about them, I'm sure I would not like to get caught sneaking into their daughters room by them.

I slowly sit up, my eyes adjusting to the dim room. I squint my eyes, after not seeing any movement or even anyone at all. I furrow my eyebrows as I stand, stretching up my arms to crack my back. Sapphire wasn't going out tonight, and she defiantly wasn't asleep. 1am is like 9pm to her.

I make my way over to the door, lifting the handle to avoid the door creaking. I quietly slip out of her room, my eyes immediately catching the light from under another door down the hallway. I'd never really seen the rest of the house, but I assume that it's the bathroom since I can faintly hear taps running.

I retreat back to the bedroom, shutting the door again and casually strutting over her bed to make myself at home. I kick off my shoes carelessly with my feet, and start to undo my jeans. Soon, I'm under the blankets patiently waiting for Sapphire to finish in the shower. The bed still feels somewhat warm, meaning that she had obviously been in it. I smile to myself, knowing that Saph was in this exact spot. It's creepy, I know.

I let out a sigh, starting to think about what I should say. I knew I had pissed her off, and I still don't know the reason. I didn't say anything bad on the phone, did I? Maybe it was the light bulb. I can't help it that I'm just that good at puns.
I would still of course apologise, because I was being completely immature and could have harmed her.

Fuck it, it was hilarious and she knows it.

I smile to myself, resting my hands behind my head. We had a lot of good memories, Saph and I. I never would imagine that I would be this close with a girl-as-a-friend. I thought I would get too horny and just want to fuck them, meaning wrecking the whole friendship. I even though Mike or Tre would have fucked her already, but I'm kind of glad nothing like that's happened.

My head shoots up as Sapphire bursts through the door, her eyes catching mine almost straight away. She widens her eyes in surprise at first, but soon closes them and lets out a deep sigh.
Her wet hair hangs over her shoulders, the large grey t-shirt already clinging to her body from the drips.

She closes the door, letting the dark blue towel she was holding drop to the floor. I twist my lips, suddenly forgetting everything I was meaning to say. Saph walks over to the bed, walking around the other side to climb in. I expect her to talk, but instead she grabs her laptop and proceed to ignore the shit out of me.

I shift my body closer to her, as she attempts to ignore me harder but clenches her jaw.

"Saph..." I slowly say.

"Shh. My parents are home"

"Saph" I repeat, lowering my voice.

"What" She blankly says, eyes glued to the screen.

"What's wrong?"


"Come on Saph, Don't give me that bullshit"

She lets out another sigh, going back to silence. I shut my eyes in annoyance, wriggling back to my original position. She didn't want to talk? Fine. Nothing will change if she doesn't say anything. Fine with me. I'm not the pissed one. Her fault. Fine.
I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. I made the effort to sneak into her room and she won't even give me an explanation.

"Why are you ashamed of our friendship?" She quickly says, her head turning to me.

"What?" I say, eyes widening from being taken off guard.

"On the phone to Hayley, you said I wasn't with you" She blinks, staring right at me.

"Saph it's not that easy-"

"Oh fuck you. If you really loved her you wouldn't lie"

"Who the fuck are you to say that?!" I narrow my eyebrows, beginning to get pissed off.

"I'm the one on the fucking sidelines watching" She shoves her laptop off her lap.

"Well don't stick your nose in my business then!" I retaliate.

"You literally pretend were not friends so you can get laid once in a while! How the fuck do you think I feel?!" Sapphire rips the blanket off of her and stands from the bed.

"Sorry that in my relationship I have to think about your emotions!" I copy her actions, neither of us caring for the lack of clothes.

"Yes! You do have to think about other people's emotions and not be a selfish prick! Your relationship doesn't just affect you!"

"Well maybe I need to just think about myself once in a while. Fucking hell. Why can't you let me be happy?!"

"Are you really happy Billie? Tell the truth. Are you really happy?!"

I stare at her, her lips slightly parted, chest heaving up and down. Her eyebrows her furrowed, chocolate eyes trained on me from the heated argument. I didn't know how to answer. She had caught me off-guard. I hadn't even asked myself that question. I guess I just assumed I was.
I slowly look down, snatching my eyes away from her intense gaze. I clench my fists at my side, swallowing. This wasn't the point of why we were fighting.

"We're not talking about this" I seethe, still not looking up at her.

"Answer, Billie" Saph repeats.

"I said we're not talking about this!" I say with more force, stepping forward. Sapphire steps back immediately, fear washing over her face. It almost seemed like her eyes flashed, her eyes flashed with a certain memory. A memory of another man she cared about that would raise his voice and look threatening towards her. We hardly talked about the situation. But Sapphire being Sapphire didn't want to talk about it anyway.
I hadn't realised what I'd done until she stepped back from me. She knows that I would never do what he did... right?

"Ok" She quietly says, avoiding eye contact

I stare at the dread in her eyes, trying to find the words. My senses take over, and I raise my hand to reach out and touch her.
A wave of guilt and despair hits me as she flinches, dodging my touch. I bring my arm back, a sharp inhale making my lips go dry.

Sapphire turns her head, her hair hanging over her face.

"Sorry" She mutters.

"No... I'm sorry"

A notification from my phone makes both of us look up, and I walk over to the bed to try and ease the tension between us. I swipe across to unlock the phone, tired eyes searching the screen to find the text.

From: Unknown Number

Meet @ the alley way next to bar at 3am. Bring girl.

I furrow my eyebrows, re reading the text over again. Maybe it was some stupid prank by Tre.

"What is it?" Sapphire asks, leaving her spot in the middle of the bedroom and walking over to me.

"Just some stupid prank" I murmur, eyes cemented to the screen.

Another text sends through, Sapphire looking over my shoulder as the photos are sent.

Photos of us.

From her bedroom window.

From outside.

Whoops don't freak out

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