Green Day Is The Bomb

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eyy last chapter lmao

Sapphires POV 

You know how when you've waited to hear something for so long, nothing could prepare you to actually hear it?

It was like finding out a sick person had passed away, or finding out the results of an exam you had no clue in what it was about. The feeling of waiting for the TV host to announce the winner on American idol.

You roll the idea around in your mind so much you think you're ready, but when it happens, you aren't.

That's how I felt when I heard those special words fall from Billies trembling lips.

I stood in the pouring rain, my mouth agape. My arms that were once wrapped tightly around me fell numbly at my sides. Every positive and negative emotion that one could muster was swarming my body with so much feeling, that I almost couldn't handle it.

So I did what I only knew best.

I ran.

I took deep shaky breaths as my feet led me to my safe place. My chest heaved and tightened with my lack of fitness, and arising panic attack. This really was the worst time.

The rain hit the road harshly as if it were trying break through it. I continued on, blinded by the night but showing no signs of stopping until I reached my destination. I have to stay strong. I can hold on for a bit longer. I already got this far.

Finally, I burst through the door of the apartment and collapse onto the floor. Water dripped from my hair, my rain drenched clothes. My temples throbbed and my dry throat let out airy but rhythmic breaths.


I look up as my name is called, and see Tre standing in the hallway. He stared down at me as if I were a lost puppy, clad in grey sweatpants and bright pink socks. I slowly swallow, staring back, unable to think of anything to say. I forgot about Tre. This was a huge mess.

"What are- What are you doing here?" He asks, taking some steps forward.

"I was just uh-"I stumble to my feet, holding onto the door frame for support. "Coming home"

"Are you okay?" Another question.

"Yeah I'm fine" I reply, sighing.

"Do you wanna sit down?" That's three now. Something's up.

I suspiciously nod, but follow Tre anyway into the front room where the familiar mess lay. Tre pushes away some magazines from the couch, and I sit down next to him. He stares at me with those familiar green eyes, coldly looking right at me.

I look down in guilt, fumbling with my hands. I didn't know what I was going to do. This was all happening so fast. And it was so unexpected.

"Why aren't you with Billie?" Tre asks another question, but I don't look back up at him again.

"It's getting late. I'm tired, just wanted to come home" I mutter with a shrug.

"You're a mess. Something happened"

I drag my hands down my face, every level of frustration, confusion and sadness reaching critical levels. My mental stability reaches its bitter end. I can't hide shit from Tre, he's been my whole world for the last couple of months.

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