Release The Bats

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I should be studying for a  maths exam.

Update: I passed the maths exam but got a shitty score that my mum is angry at me  for whoops

Sapphires POV

My anxiety levels were through the roof. Just knowing that I had no one to turn to scared the shit out of me. 

I can't believe I actually trusted Thalia. I was stupid enough to tell her, but you would think she would keep her fucking mouth shut. This is why I don't tell people things. You can't trust anyone now days. Secrets are poison to whoever keeps them, it kills them but when they let it out it kills so many more people too.

I didn't bother with the bus today. I was too angry to talk to anyone. So here I am, fists balled, almost fuming out the mouth, kicking stones along the cracked pavement.

Maybe the fresh air would have calmed me down, eased the anger and hurt inside of me. But it didn't. I still wanted to punch the walls, and destroy everything in my path.

I'd fucked up big time. I kept and told the wrong secrets. I should never opened my mouth about useless crushes and other peoples relationships, but should have told someone about my own relationships. I'm such a fuck up. I've ruined everything and it's all my fault.

A small rock is hit with force, as it rolls away from me. I wish I could do more than scuffing my converse, but honestly I had no idea what I was doing anymore. The one time I really needed a best friend, I didn't have one. Billie hates me. And it will never be the same again.

My house soon comes into view, and I look up gratefully at it. I was ready to grab the unhealthiest snacks I could find, lock my bedroom door and bundle myself in blankets to blast music and read shitty Gerard Way fanfictions. That sounded like a good night to me.

My fingertips rub my tired eyes as my shoes hit the porch steps, uncaring of the mascara I knew would now me smudged. I think I'm giving less of a shit everyday. I push the door casually open, head dropped to the ground.

When I look up, I'm taken aback to see my mother standing right in front of my staircase to heaven. I raise an eyebrow at her solemn expression, and the way her arms were crossed curlty off her chest. My mind immediately starts reeling through all the bad things that I've done, but nothing seems to be sticking out.

What have I done now?

"Sapphire, we need to talk" She says in a serious tone, her piercing eyes the same colour of mine staring right into my soul.

"Sure" I slowly say, cautiously nodding my head. This was different. This was weird. This has never happened before.

I follow behind my mother into the front room, and take a seat opposite her on one of the couches. I hadn't failed any tests or skipped school in ages, so I was completely clueless and vulnerable as to what this talk was going to be about.

She clears her throat before running her hands over her pencil skirt to smooth it out. She was always one for appearances, especially at work. Her and dad needed to be the best dressed. Appearance is the key they would tell me. What a load of bullshit.

"So I got a phone call this afternoon" Mother quietly begins, her poised eye contact beginning to intimidate me.

I lick my dry lips and swallow, the nerves beginning to bubble. I fumble with my dry hands in my lap.

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